Hi- sorry posting again with another question, but I'm finding everyone so wonderfully helpful!
I just have another question that I don't know will have anything related to my thyroid... But it just might.
I posted yesterday about my low thyroid,
However my symptoms have definitely worsened since I've withdrawn from my antidepressant... 8 weeks off now and did this withdrawal very slowly & correctly over a year.
I just wondered, since my symptoms seem to have worsened since stopping th AD whether or not anyone has found this too? It's quite bizarre and not sure if it's just a coincidence.
Just thought I'd ask.. My doctor didn't think so but (!)
Second question is, when I think of when I first started getting unwell, I was 9 months post pregnancy.... My levo was increased during pregnancy then I was put back to low dose after I had my daughter... I'm now wondering if child birth worsened my thyroid and it went undetected all this time? Just a thought.
Thank you to everyone who has commented on my posts and has helped me so far piece together information that I can use to improve my health. Xx