Do i need my cortisol tested ??? : Hi i had a... - Thyroid UK

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Do i need my cortisol tested ???

Cassie101 profile image
26 Replies

Hi i had a underactive thyroid im not on medication coz the endo said i dont need 2 be she rekons!!!! Bt i have a mild benign multinodular goitre.... still feel very ill no energy at all keep sleeping have had anxiety due to this so dont no whts going on with me i hvnt been taking suplements or vitamins could that be the reason or coz it be the thyroid ????

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Cassie101 profile image
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26 Replies
greygoose profile image

We would have to see your blood test results to be able to advise you in any way. I would never just take an endo's word for anything! Did she do the right tests? Is she even capable of understanding the results? We'd have to see all the numbers to know.

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Iron 7

Sodium 141

Potassium 4.2

Calcium 2.35

Tsh 1.89

Free t3 3.9

Free t4 11.2

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Sorry, but we need the ranges to interpret those results - they are meaningless without the ranges.

Is that iron or ferritin? The iron result by itself, doesn't mean much. The important one is the ferritin.

No vit D, B12 or folate?

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Thats how its write on the paper iv just coped it sorry

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to Cassie101

Vit b 12 509

Vit d 107.6

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Well, those too look OK, although hard to tell without the ranges. Your TSH isn't high, but your Frees look a little low. The others, I've no idea. You really need to get the ranges from your doctor.

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Wht do i need 2 take 2 make me feel better

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to Cassie101

And wht other tests do i need 2 ask for??

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

I'm afraid I can't answer that. It could very well be that, if your FT4 and FT3 are low (they look low) you have a pituitary problem, and you would need to take thyroid hormone replacement. But, without the ranges for those tests, I cannot tell if they are low.

You also need to have your ferritin tested, not just your iron.

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Does that mean the pituitary isnt working? ....and could it be cortisol and adrenal problems 2 ??

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

I've just read your first post, and I see you have high antibodies. So, seems to me, that's the root of your problem. So, forget the pituitary.

So, you haven't been on thyroid hormone replacement for six months, is that correct? And now your endo says you don't need them. Well, I can't comment on that, because we don't have the ranges, but you will, no doubt, need them in the future. When were those tests done?

On your first post, you had lots of advice to go on a gluten-free diet, to reduce antibodies. So, are you now on a gluten-free diet to reduce antibodies? Have you tried taking selenium?

As you've had Hashi's for a while, it is possible that your adrenals might be suffering. So, if you can get them tested, it might be a good idea.

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

I asked them of i had hashis and they said no and i c 2 endo.... so i dont no were i stand and coz its all happened after having my baby girl ... iv been taking nothing for 6 months yeah because they said i dont need it and coz i have an enlarged goitre... i really dont no wht 2 do now coz my doctor thinks im going mad

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Doctors always think that!

Doctors often don't like calling it Hashi's, for some unknown reason. They often call it Autoimmune Thyroiditis. But, they don't like diagnosing that, either, if they can help it, because they have no idea what to do about it!

Well, it seems to me that the next thing to do is get more tests done : TSH, FT4, FT3. And, this time, get hold of the results AND the ranges - ask for a print-out. And, if you can, get the adrenals tested.

But, you didn't answer my question : have you gone gluten-free and started taking selenium, yet?

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Sorry i tryed gluten free and it didnt agree with me so iv cut out all sugers and dairy.... and were do i get that from?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

In what way didn't it agree with you? Cutting out sugars and dairy, can be helpful - although not necessarily - but it's not the same. It's the gluten that triggers the autoimmune attacks on the thyroid.

Where do you get what?

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Cassie101


Are there any figures in brackets after the results? They will be the lab ref ranges which we need to interpret results.

TSH 1.89 is low normal and FT3 3.9 is usually within range but FT4 ranges vary so it's not possible to determine whether 11.2 is within range or not. Ditto the other results.

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to Clutter

Hi ya i will get them i had tests done 2 weeks ago so i will ring my doc 2mora i jst want 2 no if i have 2 have hormone tablets or if its jst somthing else i need to feel better

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Yes, we know that's what you want to know, but we can't tell you that if we don't have the ranges for the tests.

Are these the results for the tests you had two weeks ago?

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

No there from August

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Well, you really should get the results from the tests done two weeks ago, to be more up-to-date. Things can change quite quickly when you have Hashi's. But do make sure you get the ranges, too. :)

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Hi iv put my results down would really appreciate it if you could let me no wht u think

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

Put them down where?

Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose


Cassie101 profile image
Cassie101 in reply to greygoose

Would really Appreciate it if u could message me bk

Cassie101 profile image

Hi ya so i asked my doctor to re test my throyd and the y refused to do t3..

TSH 1.2 mu/l 0.27 -4.20mu/l

Free t4 14.2 pmol/l 10.50-24.50pmol/l

Vit b12 536 ng/l 197.00- 771.00ng/l

Folate 8.6 ug/l 3.80-9999.00ug/l

Ferritin 23 ug/l 13.00-150.00ug/l

Really need help now feel so bad...

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Cassie101

You are under-medicated, even though your TSH isn't high. Your FT4 is well under mid-range. Most people need it at least over mid-range.

Your vit B12 could be higher.

Your folate should be higher.

Your ferritin is very low.

No vit D?

I think you should post these results in a new thread. Not many people are going to see them at the bottom, here. Then, you're more likely to get some helpful answers. :)

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