Results : Can anyone help me understand these I... - Thyroid UK

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Craigmhor39 profile image
8 Replies

Can anyone help me understand these I constantly feel tired and keep being told me results are fine! I really don’t feel fine!

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Craigmhor39 profile image
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8 Replies
shaws profile image

Has the doctor not tested your thyroid hormones? If not ask for TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies to be tested. If in the UK, the don't usually do all of these and I believe they mainly do TSH and T4 which doesn't give us, the patient, enough information. It is not unusual that the overlook thyroid hormones:-

The blood test should be at the very earliest, fasting and if you were taking thyroid hormones, usually levothyroxine, you would allow a gap of 24 hours between your last dose and the test and take it afterwards.

The tests the GP doesn't do you can have one from a Private Lab and we have details. Ask GP to test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate. We can be deficient and this would also cause unpleasant symptoms.

Get a print-out of your results, with the ranges and put them on a new Post for comments.

Craigmhor39 profile image
Craigmhor39 in reply to shaws

Thanks this is very informative where would I go to get the bloods I need done privately and is it very expensive?

When did you last see your Endo? I would contact his secretary and ask to speak to him or be seen again in clinic.

Have you got the results of your last Thyroid blood tests and nutrients levels? If so, put details on here with dates and normal ranges.

225mcg of Levothyroxine seems a high dose to me. When did Endo last test your T3 & T4 and FreeT3 , FreeT4.

Could it be that you need some T3 as well as your Levo ?

Also if they've stopped treating your nutrients deficiencies and your levels have dropped again, could that be why your Levothyroxine isn't working for you as it should? You were diagnosed 17 years ago. You know your body. I would keep going back to GP or get on to Endo untill you get up to date bloods (all of them). Keep pestering GP. I know we shouldn't have to.

Have you ever had your Thyroid Antibodies tested by the way? - TPO and Tg? Have you been told whether or not you have Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis?

The blood results above contain no nutrients nor Thyroid as you know.

Write a list of all your symptoms to take to GP. They need to address them and investigate and treat.

GP probably only monitors you with annual TSH test. However, if you have symptoms and GP refered you back to Endo, then Endo should fully investigate. Did he arrange any tests at all?

ps Reply 2

May I suggest that you write your profile, you did when joining, on here. As I think it is currently relevant. Those with more experience than I have may be able to comment further. When posting please make reference to this post.

Also - are you taking your other medication at the same time as your Levothyroxine. Levo needs to be taken on it's own with water only and hours away from other meds.


Craigmhor39 profile image
Craigmhor39 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Endo was several years ago told me my symptoms were a rev herring and levels are fine on thyroxine do you think I should ask to be referred again?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Craigmhor39


But - how are you taking your Levothyroxine?

On it's own, on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before food?

If the other medication you are on is not helping are you considering coming off that? You would need to check the leaflet and have a word with Pharmacist or GP first. I don't know much about it.

I think the medication you mentioned in your profile is not good for the Levothyroxine. That's why I asked you to put it in a post so others could see and comment.

If you have become worse and not better since starting it , surely that says something.

See GP. Write all your symptoms on list. Or print Thyroid UK list from link above (Shaw's reply) and tick all that apply.

Take someone with you to GP for support if possible.

Do you remember when GP did your last TSH test? Could you ask for a copy of result?

If you haven't had any tests for years then I would certainly ask GP for Endo referal due to your symptoms. Or if GP not happy to refer ask GP to do all the tests. (You might get some- not all).

Try GP first, some will not acknowledge private tests. But if you are refused both Endo referal and tests - then certainly take that route.

I know it's not easy to keep going back to GP and hospital Consultants, particularly when we are feeling low and exhausted AND have had bad, past experiences. But we have to keep pestering them. Most on here have been through something similar. You're too busy to read lots of profiles now, but when you get a chance read 1 or 2.

Let's know how it goes with GP.

bluebug profile image

I've noticed it says at the end of your results "Uncontrolled D" is that uncontrolled diabetes? It may explain the tiredness. The best place to go for information on that the forums of

Also your platelet count and total white cell count are above range. Is this normal for you or a new finding? You need to get some of your old tests to confirm this.

You also need to post your thyroid hormone test results.

Hi Craigmhor

My notifications say you have responded, but it isn't coming up for me to see on your thread.

I had this problem last night on another thread.

I will check later today.


Mary 11.05am

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