Hi. My GP is saying they can't prescribe Liothronine to be anymore. I will appeal, but if not please could anyone tell me where I could purchase it from abroad? PM me? I would be very grateful, as otherwise I will be taking a chance on anything I come across on the internet. Many thanks
Liothyronine being stopped: Hi. My GP is saying... - Thyroid UK
Liothyronine being stopped

Was Liothyronine originally recommended by a private or NHS endo? Has your GP said why T3 is being withdrawn?
It was originally prescribed by an NHS endo. I have been told it's been blacklisted because the company producing it is charging a rediculous amount.
The BTA issued guidance that patients doing well on T3 should not have their prescriptions with-drawn. See FAQS for patients and GPs in british-thyroid-association...
I would write to your GP (copy your MP) and say that you were well on Liothyronine and want it reinstated and that you believe your GP is in breach of the GMS contract for not prescribing treatment a NHS endocrinologist told you you need.
CCGs do not have the authority to tell GPs what not to prescribe. Individual GPs, not CCGs, could be found in breach of the General Medical Services contract if they do not prescribe treatment patients have been told "they need".
The GPC has warned that GPs would be in breach of the GMS contract and could get into legal trouble by following the orders and refusing to prescribe patients treatments they have told them they need.
If the CCG did not publicly consult before blacklisting Liothyronine their decision may be open to legal challenge.
New guidelines seem to be advising gps to send patients on t3 to an nhs endo to see if they can be changed to levo. Id research areas you can travel to for a t3 friendly endo and ask to be referred to them but in the meantime say you need to stay on t3. There are also BTA guidelines telling gps that you cant just stop t3 and replace with levo (it has to be a gradual process as levo takes weeks to build up unlike t3). Good luck.
Thanks, I am talking to my GP again tomorrow and see how I get on, It is reasurring that I now have a few sources for buying liothyronine from abroad if they won't continue to prescribe it, but I can't really afford to pay. I hate what the drug companies are doing to the NHS.
If yr gp will give you a private prescription then youll hve more buying options . Im trying to go down that route although gp and endo each say the other should write it! Good luck x
I wonder why having a private prescription would give me more buying options? I know you would need that to buy in the UK, but it would be very expensive. From what I have seen <well known supplier> in Greece seems the cheapest. Do you know about another supplier who is better? Many thanks