Hallelujah !After a long battle , I have just collected my prescription for lyothyronine 20 mcg, to be cut in half and taken twice a day, as directed by consultant ...........however, I have had no direction ! could anyone advice me on the best way to take them. I also take 50mcg of levo at bed time.
takingT3 /liothyronine: Hallelujah !After a long... - Thyroid UK
takingT3 /liothyronine

You take it the same way as levo, i.e. first thing with a glass of water.
If you split the dose, your stomach has to be empty which would mean around 2 to 2.5 hours after food and wait around 1 hour after.
You can always take your second dose with the levo which would mean you only have to T3/T4 together p.m.
I've always taken my dose once daily whether it was levo, T3/T4 or NDT or T3 only.
I hope you feel much better quickly.
Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure why it says to take half a tablet twice a day but I see from reading other posts that some people do and some don't !...I've also been advised by the Endo to take the T4 at night to help with absorption.
Many Endos think T3 causes instability i.e. a surge but I have found the complete opposite.
Besides our day revolves round taking thyroid hormones and we aren't 'free'. This is an excerpt:
January 30, 2002
Question: I’m hypothyroid and take Armour Thyroid twice a day. My question is about the right time to take it in relation to when I eat. Should I take it two, three, or four hours after I eat? I've read all those times in different places. Thank you very much for your time—and your great website!
Dr. Lowe: As a rule, our patients take thyroid hormone only once per day. An advantage of this one-per-day schedule is that it’s easier to find a window for good intestinal absorption—when the stomach or small intestine doesn’t contain food.
Most of our patients wait at least one hour after taking thyroid hormone before they eat. Or they wait at least two hours after eating before they take thyroid hormone. The two hour wait is a rough estimate of the time it takes for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine. It’s worth noting, however, that several factors can increase the time a patient should wait before taking thyroid hormone.
One factor is being female. Researchers report that on average, the woman’s stomach empties more slowly than the man’s.
This is another excerpt (Cytomel is T3):
Third, the leaflet on Cytomel pharmacies give patients when they fill their prescriptions states, "POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: NO COMMON SIDE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED with proper use of this medication." This information is accurate—when plain, full-strength, one-time-per-day doses of T3 are used properly, there are no adverse effects. The only adverse effects occur when a patient takes a dosage that for her is excessive. With Cytomel, if overstimulation occurs, it can be stopped with one or two small doses of propranolol. Or the patient can simply reduce her dosage of Cytomel the next time she takes it. I want to emphasize, however, that when our protocol is used properly, there is no overstimulation to be avoided by using timed-release T3. The protocol has safeguards against adverse effects.
And finally, why do I specify that the typical patient use one full dose of non-timed-release Cytomel for life? Because extensive testing has shown that this is safe, effective, and most economical—when used within the context of our entire protocol.
shaws, question on the way you take your T3. I too was just prescribed T3 5mcg twice daily. Endo told me first thing in morning and then the second dose sometime around noon-2 to keep me going through the dinner hour. (I have a problem staying awake between 7:30 pm-9ish and then can't sleep when I do go to bed for the night). I'm guessing several ways to take it but want the best bang for the buck!
The Endocrinologist gave me no directions and I just took the 10mcg along (first) with the 50mcg of levo and then with the 25mcg. Since then I have always taken one dose of whatever I've been on. i.e. T4: T3/T4: NDT: T3 only. I have never had after effects at all (except with levo that just made me unwell from beginning to end).
I have since followed Dr Lowe's advice (above) and haven't looked back I take around 33mcg of T3 each morning and I am well. I have normal health. I take supplements at lunch time. I have only a yearly blood test now. He also said that although T3 is absorbed into our system quickly, once it is in our receptor cells it's job begins and that one dose will last between 1 to 3 days. I haven't had any problems. Endocrinologists, I think, aren't as good as scientists who study and research a product/medication in their knowledge of how it works in the human body.
Hello jabot,
That is great news but you need to get a pill cutter.
I started adding T3 to my T4 four months ago. .. same dose as yours although mine has since increased... about four months ago.
I halved the T3 dose for just the first week so took 5mcg T3 7am & 5mcg T3 4pm. I take my T4 morning so took it together with T3.
The following week I upped the dose to 10mcg T3 7am (& T4) and 10mcg 4pm.
I initially experienced a headache for two days and felt hot for about a week. The benefits were felt very quickly and I lost about half a stone in weight without trying.
It is really difficult cutting the pills into 5mcg as you just end up with a pile of powder but I consider this better than risking overmedication too quickly.
Good luck and I hope it makes you feel better too.

Thanks for the info.. really hoping it helps with my muscle pains, weight loss would be a bonus, I seem to have added a stone and a half since I was diagnosed.
Jabot, Take 10mcg with your Levothyroxine at night and the 2nd 10mcg in the morning 1 hour before food as per Levothyroxine.
I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
Hoorah me too, congratulations
I take T3 alone and follow(still do so) the guidelines of a Doctor/Scientist who was also an Adviser to ThyroidUK. The expert was Dr John Lowe and I'll give you a link as he might now be cease to be on the forum
Unfortunately he had a bad fall that caused a brain bleed which caused his demise and all his patients were devasted at their loss. His name was Dr John Lowe. You could also
I take my dose of T3 once daily, when I awake with one glass of water and wait an hour before I eat. I now feel t I have no hypothyroidism as tablet resolved symptoms.