Hi Lovely Members,
I’ve had lifelong hypo symptoms and started investigations through private tests and a private doc after my GP said TSH in normal range at 3.66. 2 private tests follow, over 6 months having taken supplements but no thyroid meds.
TSH from 3.66 to 2.69 ( range 0.27-4.20)
Free thyroxine 13.3 to 13.4 ( 12.00-22.00)
Total thyroxine 86 to 82.7 ( 59.00-154.00)
Free T3 4.0 to 4.51 ( 3.10-6.80)
Reverse T3 26 to 24 ( 10.00-24.00)
The most recent tests done first thing after fasting.
Antibodies and vitamin levels are Ok, Little nodules under 5mm on thyroid but nothing sinister, scanner’s words.
DIO 2 gene test said faulty on both mother and father sides, likely to lead to obesity and insulin resistance.
Private doc said he would start me on trial of NDT if supplements didn’t work but has now changed his mind. He went onto try and put me on wildly expensive and dreadful looking ISAGenix slimming products, full of chemicals and god knows what else.
With these results above could anyone recommend NDT as a good option, or am I better to try, yet again a low carb diet?
Co-incidentally I’m going to Thailand in a couple of weeks, should I try and source/ trial some meds which may be available there?
Any advice gratefully received!
Best wishes from a very tired and chubby Demelza