Hi i have had recent tests for all the usual vitamin deficiencies associated with Hashimoto's and after reading info on here,they are all normal within ranges ie,Ferratin,B12, folate and Vit d which i'm not sure about(81.6) is this normal because i thought we always had deficiencies?Thanks.
Vitamin levels all normal is this usual for Has... - Thyroid UK
Vitamin levels all normal is this usual for Hashimoto's?

Deficiencies to a greater or lesser degree, depending on how long you've been hypo. It's a gradual descent, they don't drop like stones.
Can't comment on your vit D without the range. But, just being in-range isn't always good enough. It depends where in the range they fall.
It would be helpful if you can post results with the ranges. Normal within the ranges may not be Optimal within the ranges.
Here are some recommendations. Vitamin D in Europe seems to be 100-200 so 81 would be low. stopthethyroidmadness.com/l...
People are individuals so while it is common it doesn't mean everyone is.
As others have stated please post your results and ranges so we can tell you if they are optimal.
People with hashimotos are more likely to have gastric problems - but that doesn't mean that everyone with hashimotos has problems absorbing vitamins and minerals - and I also haven't managed to get to the bottom of any research that shows categorically what the causal link is - is it a direct result of hashimotos or is it related to the fact that there is a high cross over with auto-immune gastritis?
folate being in range is generally quite a reliable test.
serum B12 can be problematic - and the next question should be are you symptomatic of B12 deficiency (though overlap with symptoms of thyroid deficiency makes evaluation rather difficult)
more information on B12 deficiency on the PAS forum
ferritin is just one marker for iron deficiency (and generally a good one) - and again there is a considerable overlap in symptoms of iron deficiency and hypothyroidism - a full blood count would be the next level of diagnostic tool to check.
some research suggest that people with thyroid problems may need slightly higher levels of iron than the normal population - but thing that there is still some debate around that.

What were the actual results for B12, folate and ferritin
Normal is not a result, it's an opinion, usually from a receptionist who knows diddly squat about thyroid or vitamins
Ferritin needs to be half way in range
B12, most find need it high in range when have Hashimoto's
Folate works in conjunction with B12
Vitamin B complex can improve folate
Hi there this was my test results from Sept 22nd..
Thyroid function test-(AST) Increase Thyroxine and repeat bloods in 6-8 weeks.
Not stated to be on Thyroxine
!Serum TSH level 6.11 mU/L 0.35-4.94mU/L
Serum free T4 level 13 pmol/l 9.00-19.00pmol/l
Please indicate whether or not patient on T4
Serum patharoid hormone-(AST) -TELL 4.6 pmol/l 1.60-7.20pmol/l
Blood haematanic levels-(AST)-TELL
Serum vitamin B12 402 pg/ml 187.00-883.00pg/ml
B12 Inderterminate range 187-300 pg/ml
If results fall into the indetermine range suggest use clinical judgement.
and FBC parameters to access if deficient and repeat if necessary.
B12 Deficient< 187 pg/ml.
Serum folate 11.8 ng/ml 3.50-20.50ng/ml
NOTE Folate deficient <3.5 ng/nl Not Deficient >=3.5 ng/ml
Serum ferratin
NOTE reference range
Male and post menopausal females 22 -275ng/ml
premenopausal females 10-204ng/ml
Ferratin <10ng/ml in premenopausal females and
<22ng/ml in males and post-menopausal females indicate iron deficiency.
!Bone profile-(AST)-repeat in 3 months
Serum calcium 2.42 mmol/l 2.20-2.60mmol/l
Serum albumin 39 g/l 30.00-45.00g/L
!Serum alkaline phosphatase 143 IU/I 30.00-130.00IU/I
ADJUSTED CA 2.38 mmol/l 2.20-2.60mmol/l