I have been really struggling for 5-6 months now with such fluctuating body temperatures. It's so draining now as it will instantly change from being too hot to freezing cold. My thyroid tests are always normal except for high tpo antibodies >1000 reference range <35. I just need some help now as I always assumed that temperature dysregulation was thyroid related. Feel at such a loss now 😔
Is this hashimoto's : I have been really... - Thyroid UK
Is this hashimoto's
That you have TPO Ab in excess of 1000 signifies that you have autoimmune thyroiditis aka Hashimoto's, which is most likely the cause of your temperature dysregulation. It is an autoimmune disease which attacks the thyroid, and in the majority of cases, although not all, causes it to fail and induces hypothyroidism. Hashimoto's is the cause of the majority of cases of hypothyroidism, about 90% or so, although some like myself, have non-autoimmune or ideopathic hypothyroidism. How long it takes for thyroid dysfunction to evidence itself in abnormal blood tests results will vary from person to person, and the thyroid gland itself can accommodate some dysregulation in the short term. However, some Drs are notoriously poor at intuiting thyroid blood test results, and when they declare that they are 'normal' (an opinion not a diagnosis) mean only that the results are within the respective reference ranges - which may not mean they are optimal for you. If you post your results with their ranges, folks here can comment in more detail.
Thank you maisie 😊 My question would be is there treatment available for hashimoto's even though tsh and t4 are normal? It's been going on too long now and really am struggling. It's a constant switch between a fan and heated blanket. My last test was tsh 2.0 and t4 15 I forget the ranges but tsh was upto 4.5

The aim is a TSH of 1 or lower. Many doctors think that 'somewhere' in the range is fine (which can be about 5). You also need tested Free T4 and Free T3 and these are rarely tested. You may have to get a private test if GP wont. We have some lists of private labs.
Do you always get your blood test at the earliest possible time? Do you allow a gap of 24 hours between your last dose and the test? If not you wont get the best results.
Doctors will only test TSH and T4, when we need - occasionally - a Full Thyroid Blod test which includes:
TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies.
Levothyroxine is an inactive hormone - it has to convert to T3, so we need sufficient levo to enable an optimum T3. If not we may need T4/T3 combination.
Hi I have never been on any thyroid medication as always told there's nothing wrong with my thyroid despite symptoms and tpo antibodies over 1000

Treatment for hashi's is the same as for hypothyroidism. The difference being that you have thyroid antibodies in your blood but you can help reduce them by going gluten-free.
I have been on a gkuten free diet but wondered if there was medication that could help also.

Hidden There is no medical treatment for Hashimoto's, only lifestyle changes such as eating gluten- and dairy-free for instance, although not everyone benefits from that. You can read around the subject if you do an online search for Dr Izabella Wentz for instance. Her first book is The Root Cause, which is worth a read as a starting point. The treatment given is for the resultant hypothyroidism, which in the UK would be Levothyroxine, a synthetic bio-available equivalent of l-thyroxine aka the largely inactive storage pro-hormone T4, which converts in the peripheral tissues to the active hormone T3. The NICE guidance for the treatment of sub-clinical hypothyroidism is here: cks.nice.org.uk/hypothyroid...
Hi that's what i suspected. I saw Prof Dr Toft about it and he said I am at risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease. He thinks I have Lupus
Every time I have any sort of Thyroid function test they come back as within range. My (in ear) body temperature can lurch between the mid 34's to 38. Most of the time it's around 36, give or take a couple of points. But most of the time I'm feeling cold, heating on sat next to a radiator. The odd high temps occur in bed.......................unheated room with open window, accompanied by "prickly heat". GP.............no idea!!!
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