Hi there! Recently I checked my thyroid hormones and my Anti TPO is 41 (norm should be 34). The rest are in norm. I had gastritis and fever for 2 months. Just got done with antibiotics, and fever has been down for a couple of days. So is high Anti TPO a reason to worry?
Anti TPO : Hi there! Recently I checked my... - Thyroid UK
Anti TPO

It means you have Autoimmune Thyroiditis - aka Hashi's - like most of us. Nothing to do with your fever. Not especially worrying, it just means that you will get more and more hypo, as your immune system slowly destroys your thyroid.
What can I do to prevent it?
If I fix my intestines and gastritis would that stop it?
No, it's nothing to do with your gastritis. But, repairing your intestines might help. You could have leaky gut. You would need to see a gastroenterologist.
But, basically, it's your immune system that has become confused, and now sees your thyroid as the enemy, to be destroyed.
Nothing. You've already got it. All you can do now is try and slow down the attacks, try and reduce antibodies, and replace the hormone that your thyroid can no-longer make enough of.
1) To slow down/lessen the immune system attacks, you need to keep your TSH suppressed - which is, of course, difficult, because it scares the life out of doctors!
2) To reduce antibodies, adopt a 100% gluten-free diet, and take selenium.
3) Have you been diagnosed as hypo? Have you had your thyroid hormones tested?
Yes, I have tested, all of them are in norm. Because of gastritis I took antibiotics since I had helicobacter pylori, and haven't been able to eat and absorb normally. Just talked to my doctor he told me to eat well, to exercise and in a couple of months to repeat the test. It may go back to normal once I strengthen my immune system.
Do you have the actual numbers? Because just being in-range isn't always good enough.
Helicobacter pylori is an indication that you have low stomach acid. Which is a hypo symptom.
Right now I am taking anti acid pills so that my gastritis may recover. And i took that test while on antiacid. My actual numbers are TSH 2.16, T3 1.05, T4 9.73, T4 free 18.31, Anti TPO 41.
Can you add the ranges, please. The results on their own are meaningless.
Yes, sorry. Here they are: TSH 2.16 (0.32-4.9), T3 1.05 (0.8-2), T4 9.73 (5.1-14.1), T4 free 18.31 (12-22), Anti TPO 41 (<34).
Thanks for helping me
Well, your TSH says your thyroid is struggling. But your FT4 is good. It's a pity they didn't test your FT3, because the T4 and T3 tests don't give you any useful information.
If you have low stomach acid, then anti acid pills might not be a good idea.
I have now low stomach acid cause doctor prescribed for gastritis treatment. I had helicobacter pylori, and got done with antibiotics, now I have been on antiacid pills for a while so that stomack may recover soon. Doctor wants to reduce it for quick recovery. But at the same time antiacids increase Anti TPO level. So I am kinda confused.
Google ‘How your antacid medicine is making you sick’ by Chris Kresser.
Who told you that antiacids increase TPO anitbodies? I really don't see how they could.
I read an article in Google.
Do you have a link? Because I can't find anything about it on Google.
I couldn't find the one about the antiacids, but check this one as well drruscio.com/thyroid-autoim...
Well, I'm really not convinced - or even mildly interested - in that! I'm not sure he really know what he's talking about, given that he couldn't even answer your simple question!
He ignores the fact that antibodies fluctuate, and a blood test is like a photo, just tell you what is going at that precise moment - not before and not after.
He also ignores the fact - or perhaps he doesn't know - that some Hashi's people never develop high antibodies. They are diagnosed by ultrasound.
And then there's those who don't have high TPO but have high Tg antibodies. Like me. If he'd just tested my TPOab he'd have told me there was nothing to worry about. But my TgAB were sky high, and as a result, my thyroid has now almost completely gone.
No, I think that's bad science.
So what are you doing for that? Are you taking hormones every day?
But Hashi people generally have higher TSH level, right?
Depends how much damage has been don't to the gland. The TSH and the antibodies aren't linked in that way.
I see! Check this one my friend
OK, a lot of waffle for not much content. Just common sense advice, really, things a lot of us do, because it's just the way we live. But, I don't know that it's ever cured anyone's Hashi's. And, that article wasn't specifically about Hashi's, was it.
It doesn"t mean you must have hashis you can be down with something else. And 41 isn't much but maybe you shouöd test your tsh ft4 once a year and if you get symptoms.