Hi everyone I'm new here. Six years ago I was diagnosed with Graves disease and my endocrinologist put me on neomercazole. After 18 months I was told I was in remission. Fast forward until today & my Graves is back
My query is to others who have relapsed? My relapse happened at the exact time of the year as I developed symptoms last time (first diagosed on the 19th of September 2011 and diagnosed this time on the 28th of September) - has that happened to anyone else? Also, all my "googling" says that Graves is often brought on by a period of stress - I was on holidays both times.
I'm amazed at how quickly the relapse occurred. I had a routine blood test in July and everything was 100% perfect. Two months later I'm run down with Graves.
I must say I'm loving the increased appetite and weight loss - just wish it didn't come with the other symptoms.
Thanks for reading.