Hi my doctor give me. 20.000 vittamin d. And she said my b vittamins. Were ok .but she give me folic acid 5mg.but been told this is vitaminb. And bloods come underactive thyroid
Very low vitamin d .but i have ceral every day ... - Thyroid UK
Very low vitamin d .but i have ceral every day vitam d

cathy1110 Can you please post your vitamin and mineral results, with reference ranges, for comment. Just because your GP said they were OK just means they are somewhere within the range, but we Hypos need optimal levels for thyroid hormone to work. If you post your results, we can see if any of your levels are low and need supplementing.
Obviously your Vit D is low, but you wouldn't be given just one dose of 20,000iu Vit D. Is that part of a series of loading doses?
There are important cofactors needed when taking D3
D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems.
D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds.
Magnesium comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds
Check out the other cofactors too.
The amount of Vit D in cereal isn't going to make any difference to your level, it's miniscule.
Taking folic acid can mask signs of B12 deficiency, so what was your level of B12?
Hi i 20.000 vid d once a week.for so long.then she putting me on 1000 once aday.but didnt get anythink else for vit d. Was told that vitamim b was fine.nit sure why i have amino acid.5mg but it can help with motabalison.underactive thyriod is tsh5 2
Can you please post your vitamin and mineral results, with their reference ranges. If you haven't got them, if you are in the UK go to the surgery and ask at reception for a print out, then post them on here.
As far as Vit B being fine, that just means somewhere in range, but we need to know where in range.
As for Vit D, 20,000iu once a week doesn't sound right, so we need your result.
You won't get the Vit D cofactors from the doctor, you will have to buy them yourself.
We need to see reference ranges for thyroid results too. And have you been prescribed Levothyroxine, if so what dose?
Post everything you have, with their reference ranges, then we can comment and try to help.
Folic acid is the synthetic version of one of the B vitamins : B9. B12 is called cobalamin. There are eight different B vitamins. But only two of them are usually tested - although it is possible to test the others.
Giving you folic acid is not the best thing your doctor could have done for you. As Susie said, you really should know your B12 level before taking it. If your B12 is low, it can cause a lot of problems, and should also be supplemented. But, it's not a good idea to just take on B vitamin in isolation because the all work together. So, when supplementing B12, you should also take a B complex, to keep the Bs balanced. And, if you get a B complex with at least 400 mcg methylfolate, that will bring your folate up more naturally.
But, first get a copy of your results and post them on here.
Yea hi she said by vitain band b12was fine.vit d 20.000 is on a week. For so long. Later put me on 1000 daily. Under active thyriod tsh 5 2
You need to post your actual blood test results on this forum for people to be able to really give you the best help. If you haven't got a copy then ask your GP reception for a print out that includes the laboratory ranges. You need to include the lab ranges because they vary and we need to see them to understand the results. Post your thyroid results FT4, FT3 (if you have it) and TSH as well as B12, folate, ferritin and Vitamin D. Also post results for any thyroid antibodies if you can.
The problem is, Cathy, she has no idea if your B12 was fine or not. She said that because it was in range. And doctors just don't understand that just being in-range isn't the same as optimal. You really, really need to know the actual numbers - results and ranges - and not just take your doctor's word for it. Low vitamin B12 is dangerous.
The most important thing when hypo is not to accept 'normal' 'fine' 'o.k. with regard to blood tests. We always have to get a print-out of the results with the ranges. Ranges are important as labs differ. If in the UK we are entitled by the Law to get print-outs of our results.
You can then post them for members to comment upon them. It is the only way we can recover our health.