Well another struggle today this time at the pharmacy. When I was first diagnosed hypothyroid I took eltroxin asking for it on the advice of Dr Peatfield as probably unable to take NDT as I take warfarin (interestingly Hilary Clinton does) the GP's would not have agreed to it. Anyway eltroxin stopped being available and I have been on mercure pharma for a number of years - it is prescribed on a named basis. The last 4 times at 2 different pharmacies I get whatever is in stock - I have taken them back but tonight they have told me it depends what's available through the wholesaler grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Just what is the point in having a named brand - There is inconsistency between different brands and an interaction for me with warfarin. I'm not convinced mercure pharma is that brilliant is there anything out there which people find to be effective, consistent and readily available.
Levothyroxine brands and pharmacy problems - Thyroid UK
Levothyroxine brands and pharmacy problems

I'm not on warfarin but I find Actavis is fine. I had trouble with others but haven't tried Wockhardt.

I am only on Mercury Pharma. Like you I struggle to get prescription filled. Boots and Lloyds point blank refusal/disinterested
Small independent Pharmacist are often the most helpful
Ring around first

If you need (and have the time to wait for delivery), you can use one of many internet pharmacies. You might find some that are willing to commit to always provide the make you wish.
There is, undoubtedly, inconsistency between brands, in impact on individuals if not in laboratory product testing.
Thank you never thought of that - isn't this another problem all the smaller independent (individual focused) pharmacies are being squeezed out of business by the multiples/larger groups. What frustrates me the most is that they are being promoted as more suitable options from discuss medication and in my experience they are not interested in the least on this matter 'a drugs a drug' 😖
I actually have it written on my prescription - they apologised but said they didn't have any.... It might be unique to me but GP's will only supply one month at a time so at the point of reorder stocks depleted it is so frustrating for this to be an issue too
This MHRA report recommends 3 months - possibly use it as ammunition? Skip to near the end.
If you could get your gp to write the brand on the prescription your pharmacy would have to provide it. You may have to wait for them to order it in specially but they would have to do it. I don't know if that is something your gp would do❓