Why would my endo refuse to let me see my thyroid results even when I ask for them please?
Endo refusing to let me see thyroid results - Thyroid UK
Endo refusing to let me see thyroid results

Do you live in the UK? if so, you are entitled to your results by law.
Thanks yes I live in the UK but I don't understand why I went to my consultation in August and the endo refused to turn the screen round to let me see and told me I didn't need to know the numbers which is why I went through my GP and then the endo clinic and now PALS just to know my results
We can't tell you why your endo wouldn't let you have your results. He has no right to deny you your results because the Data Protection Act entitles you to them. Contact PALS, tell them endo refused to let you have them, and ask them to obtain the results and ranges and to email or post them to you.
I had an email from PALS to say my request has been forwarded to freedom of information team
Sorry, just seen your post while typing my other one below. They are your results and they belong to you, it is not a Freedom of Information request as you are not asking for any information which does not legally belong to you.
PALS are incorrect in their handling of your request. Contact your local Healthwatch to complain and ask for help to get your results sent to you.
He has no legal right to refuse you a copy of your blood test results although I don't think he has to show you the screen. My docs don't have a problem with it though. Make a habit of asking for a print out of results every time and ensure they include the laboratory ranges.
You could ring the hospital (was it endocrinology dept?) and ask for an email address for your endocrinologist or his/her secretary. Send an email to ask for a copy of all your historical thyroid tests and results. Give them 2 weeks to respond and get the results to you - that's generous. Make sure you send an email so that you've got evidence of your request. Some departments will only send blood test results to your GP. If that's the case then you could contact your GP and ask them to request the results from the hospital and forward them to you.
If you experience problems then contact the PALS department (Patient Liason Team) and ask them to intervene to get your blood test results for you as it's your right in law. You could also contact your local Healthwatch for advice and for help to get your results, they are the patient voice in Heatlh and Social care.
Thanks I have always asked for printouts for results
So why haven't you been given the last ones? Did you ask for blood test results or all your records?
I asked for the thyroid blood tests for August (which was 3 weeks after the bloods were done) and I went to the GP surgery but I was told the GP doesn't have access to them so I went to the endo clinic and I asked for them at the clinic but I was told the secretary doesn't have access to them and it was then that I asked PALS and they forwarded my email onto the freedom of information team
That's ridiculous. I would contact your local Healthwatch and ask for their help. Ask them to clarify whether it constitutes a freedom of information request an ask them who you should write to at the hospital to complain about this and to get your results.
A request for medical records is a subject access request, not a Freedom of Information request.
'This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR), as set out by the Data Protection Act of 1998'
Information on accessing records. By 2018 it is planned that all our records will be available to us.
Results are yours. Body is yours
Everyone has rights to All blood test results .
Definitely Change your Endroconolagist but, your own doctor can access any results too ☺️
I always ask for copies of test results from my doctor are printed out via his nurses or receptionists .
I'm not sure if your in Brisbane ?
I've been going to this practioner for 28 years with hashimotoes & seen an Endro twice .
Any good doctor can follow up with the necessary blood tests , increases or decrease of thyroxine.
Google searches also show the necessary tests you can ask for from your doctor these days.