Hi, blood test results back - am on 25mg Carbimazole. TSH (showing requires further action) 0.01 mu/l (0.34-5.60mu/l), Free T4 12.8 pmo/, range 7.9-20.0), and Free T3 6.6 pmo/L (4.00-6.60). Normally deal with consultant but GP has stepped in and wants to see me. Not prepared to deal with GP. Could somebody just confirm that all is OK with these figures. I believe my consultant will say i am euthyroid.
Graves: Hi, blood test results back - am on 25mg... - Thyroid UK

If your GP doesn't have your endo's permission to adjust your Carbimazole dose you should decline to make any change. GPs should not interfere with specialist's treatment plans.
TSH in hyperthyroid patients can take months/years to recover and sometimes does not. FT4 is low in range but FT3 is top of range so I'd say you are borderline hyperthyroid rather than euthyroid.
Thankyou for replying. Currently a time of great stress with son with mental health problems and mother's dementia causing many problems, so am not surprised, tis just that the fact the GP wants to meddle really bothers me. I just need to stay where I am on my meds and chill when able.
We don't meet, he has agreed for me to e-mail him results and three monthly blood tests - probably because I disagreed with him about RAI
Sorry Clutter, should say, however, that I am more than happy with that. I used to be on block and replace in London but in Somerset they don't do that.
I'm in Somerset and was on B&R so yes they "do it"
Yup, quite a few years back, B&R didn't work well for me.
Same here, but then had success titrating Carb. Disliked my Endo though, she suggested very early in I had surgery (even though I have heart failure) or RAI (I have TED)
received e-mail from consultant:- Your recent blood test from the 24/8/17, show that your thyroid is well controlled on your medication. In light of this I would suggest that you make no changes to your medication and simply have a further test in 3 months time. Can you please let me know when you have had this test done.
I've just had a similar experience - GP insisting on an appointment to review my carbi, even though she's been told the dosage required by the endo, and
practice senior nurse querying the fact that endo ordered monthly blood tests, which apparently isn't usual for people with "thyroid problems". ( most of the people they see will presumably be hypo, and we aren't all identical !) Stick to your guns - if they won't contact the endo before changing things, give them a bell yourself. Becoming euthyroid is only the first stage.
Graves was diagnosed back in 2009 and I am used to the "idiots" trying to meddle. At least the chap at Musgrove bothers to listen and knows I understand where I am at. We agreed eighteen months ago that I would have three monthly blood tests at the GP and he would look and the results and respond accordingly. Works really well until meddlesome GP tries to upset things. Can do without the annoyance but consultant has written to me (copying them in) saying all is well and blood test in three months. Hopefully I get a further prescription this month.