I know many others here have already had their T3 withdrawn by their GP due to the CCG making the decision that T3 has no benefit. But today I received THE dreaded letter from my GP, telling me that my T3 prescription has been withdrawn. I wrote to my CCG in May and they wrote -
"The rationale for including Liothyonine as a product of limited clinical value is based on guidance from the British Thyroid Foundation who position T4 (Thyroxine) as the primary route of replacement. They recommend patients on T3 (Lliothyronine) are referred to secondary care for review and supervision. Therefore our proposal is not solely based on cost but on clinical grounds. T3 treatment alone
1) Is not physiological (85% of circulating thyroid hormone is in T4) and
2) T4 to T3 conversion by target organs are usually not affected by hypothyroidism.
3) T3 has a very short half-life and does not provide adequate suppression of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). To reduce TSH specialists find that generally patients can be over replaced leading to side effects of over-replacement. "
I now have to find the energy, sort out the correct medical papers & statements I have stashed for this event, argue like I've never argued before.
It has taken me 35 years to get well by taking only T3 and a much larger dose than previously prescribed.
I'm sick to death of this Human Rights abuse - to be honest, if I didn't have a gorgeous grandson to live for, I wouldn't bother