Would it be possible for my GP to prescribe T3 on a named patient prescription? Or is it not even worth asking?
Is it possible for GP to prescribe T3 prescript... - Thyroid UK
Is it possible for GP to prescribe T3 prescription on a named patient basis?

I don't know what you mean by "named" prescription". All prescriptions have your name on. My GP has just stopped my T3 prescriptions and after just 5 days I'm feeling awful. I tried to ring but can't get through so rang the hospital and someone is supposed to be ringing me back. The secretary did say that even the hospital can't now prescribe T3 so looks like nobody can have it any more even if you have proven problems. I'll have to try and buy it online.
A named patient basis prescription enables medicines which are not licensed for UK use to be prescribed by GPs.
If your GP has been advised by the CCG to stop prescribing Liothyronine I would write to your GP (cc your MP) and tell your GP that the CCG does not have the authority to tell GPs what not to prescribe and you believe your GP is in breach of GMS contract by with-drawing treatment you have been told you need. Say you have been well on Liothyronine and wish to continue taking it. Attach the BTA guidance for patients and GPs.
The BTA issued guidance that patients doing well on T3 should not have their prescriptions with-drawn. See FAQS for patients and GPs in british-thyroid-association...
CCGs do not have the authority to tell GPs what not to prescribe. Individual GPs, not CCGs, could be found in breach of the General Medical Services contract if they do not prescribe treatment patients have been told "they need".
The GPC has warned that GPs would be in breach of the GMS contract and could get into legal trouble by following the orders and refusing to prescribe patients treatments they have told them they need.
Please complete the NHS England Survey re deprescribing Liothyronine. engage.england.nhs.uk/consu...
Please also sign the petition requesting better thyroid diagnosis, testing and treatment. change.org/p/itt-campaign-g...
If you want sources for buying T3 online write a post asking members to contact you via private messages.
Thanks Clutter. I feel so bad today I did try and ring my surgery but no one picked up so I've written a letter to the GP and taken it up there. I do still have a couple of months T3 left so will go back on it tomorrow. I've signed the petition and done the survey and have an appointment with my MP in September. Now I will write to Simon Stevens NHS England as Dr Renee suggests in her video. The hospital were supposed to ring me back but they haven't. It's like no one cares.
I'm sorry they've stopped your T3 prescriptions. THANK YOU for taking steps to reinstate it. Kitti1 has found a journalist who wants to write about CCGs stopping T3 presciptions well before the NHS England consultation is finished. If you would like to make some noise about what happened to you, contact Kitti1 via private message. Take care x
Hi Summer64
Such amazing information, thank you so much. I will do all that you suggest! I had a blood test in April of his year and the results were awful actually, but it was because I had limited my tablets to two a day instead of the needed three as I was on holiday with a limited supply. Stupidly I had the blood test when I returned and of course my TSH was sky high. The head of the GP practise wrote to an endocrinologist who recommended that I should come off T3 (so they said). I imagine they are using that as ammunition to remove it from my prescription. However, it is awful that such a diagnosis has been made merely from one blood test when I have never ever seen an endocrinologist!!! Not even for the surgery. It was performed by an ENT specialist (who inadvertently took my parathyroid glands as well.
I will definitely do what you suggest, thank you so much.
This is an explanation of "named-patient" basis.
There's no reason for Liothyronine to be prescribed on a named patient basis because it is licensed for UK use. Many GPs need a NHS recommendation before they will prescribe T3.
There are a couple of other T3's which could be prescribed but unlicenced.
Yes Clutter, but some people suggested that we should actually start boycotting Concordia and refure their T3. Thyboon Henning is not only cheaper but, apparently, much better quality and has longer shelf-life. It can be prescribed on a "named patient" basis. We want our meds but not at the cost of the NHS being ripped off...
If my GP practice asked me to switch to Thybon 20mcg I would agree with the proviso I be switched back to Mercury Pharma T3 if it didn't suit. I don't intend initiating a switch myself. As a patient I don't expect to have to decide which meds to take based on price. It is up to the NHS to make sure protocols are in place to stop companies ripping it off.
If you wanted NDT then this is something that your GP might agree to prescribe on a "named patient basis" as it's unlicensed in the UK. T3 is licensed so you'd just get a regular prescription ... unless you wanted a specific brand that was not licensed in the UK.
I'm always confused as to whether an NHS doctor can give you a private prescription or if you need to visit a private GP.
Most will refuse as he takes the full responsibity upon himself should the patient have an adverse reaction.

This reply is for Summer64
Make an emergency appointment every day at the surgery until they reinstate your prescription
CCG can not dictate what your GP can and can not prescribe.
The consultation process is still ongoing and not decided
Print all the BTA guidelines out as Clutter has listed. Highlight relevant bits. Take in and stand your ground. At the very least they should give you short term while you source own supply or arrange private prescription. They can not just stop without referral back to endo
Were you originally prescribed T3 on recommendation of an NHS endo? If so then you should remain on T3 if you are well
No, I haven't got a prescription for t3 yet so this would be the first prescription.
Well I got a response from the GP receptionist by phone to stay on what I'm on. Not clear what she meant by that as I'd put myself back on the T4/T3 combination. The endo has said the same as you that the consultation is still ongoing and that some GP's are willing to prescribe it but if mine won't to try 100mcg T4 one day and 75mcg the next. I'm still not back to normal so don't intend to try that just yet. Will keep you posted. I know we're not allowed to put names on here but could I scan my letter to admin in a pm please as I'd be grateful for your opinion on something they said.
Hi SlowDragon
Thank you for this information. It is all very strong stuff, but certainly giving me a stronger resolve. It is amazing, but I have never seen an endocrinologist! My GP initially sent me to an ENT specialist, who sent me for an ultra scan on the same day. He saw I had a large tumour and sent me back (the same day) to the scan dept for a biopsy on my neck. I was booked in for surgery the following week........I have never seen an endocronolist at all during this whole procedure. Bonkers actually. It was this specialist who eventually prescribed T3 and I have happily been on it ever since. Unfortunately the specialist no longer works in my local hospital but has moved to the north of England.
My husband has now run off a copy of the Mid-Essex CCG directive and there is very useful things in it that we can use. Thank you so much......I'm feeling very much more hopeful.
The prescribing formulary for my area states that GPs are only allowed to prescribe if initiated in Secondary care (endo) so maybe check what is the case in your area. It would look like this:
My GP won't stop my prescription as was instructed by endo whom wants me on it but I can't imagine many GPs able or willing to against this.
Hi Saggyuk my husband has spoken with the GP on my behalf as I'm quite deaf and find it difficult to use a telephone. Alan, my husband, told the GP that I was specifically prescribed this medication because T4 didn't work by my ENT consultant. The GP pointed out that the Consultant no longer works there so it bears no weight at all as I can no longer go back to him for advice. Scandalous as it all is, I feel I do have some argument now. It is quite obvious that the Trust is chancing their arm with this entire situation and we will go in the the surgery armed with better information thanks to everyone here. Thank you so much.