I have found an endo who will advise on dosage of T3 and supervise its use, but does not issue prescriptions for it. Is it a lot easier to obtain T3 if you have a prescription, or does it not really matter? Is it illegal to buy T3 without a prescription, or can you only get it from certain countries if you don't have one? Is there a risk that the T3 will be of lower quality if it has to be obtained without a prescription? Would really appreciate advice from anyone who has experience of sourcing T3. Thanks.
How difficult is it to obtain T3 without a pres... - Thyroid UK
How difficult is it to obtain T3 without a prescription?

Is this an NHS or private endocrinologist?
It's not acceptable for an endocrinologist not to provide a prescription
A private prescription enables access to cheap T3 from Germany - 31 Euro for 100 x 20mcg tablets.
Endocrinologist should provide prescription that reads
100 x 20mcg Liothyronine
It's a private endo. Is there a risk that they would be struck off from the medical register, like Dr Peatfield, or is there some other reason an endo would not want to write a prescription for T3 or NDT?
Plenty of private endocrinologist write private prescription
Obviously UK T3 is unaffordable for most people due to current outrageous prices charged by the only 3 Uk suppliers. £206 for 28 tablets
So you wouldn't want prescription to read
28 x 20mcg
So vast majority of patients get Thybon Henning from Germany. Though access to this could become a problem if Brexit ever happens
Recent media coverage on whole debacle
Is there a risk that they would be struck off from the medical register, like Dr Peatfield,
I just want to set the record straight here.
Dr Peatfield was not struck off the medical register.
He voluntarily erased his registration.
So this endo has said that it would be beneficial but won’t prescribe? That’s not exactly ethical!
Haven't seen the endo yet, so she hasn't actually advised on our particular case. I was enquiring in advance of an appointment whether the endo does prescribe T3 at all, because no point in seeing them if they don't. I am wondering why she is not willing to issue a prescription - afraid of a comeback somehow?
However, this one has good reviews on iWantGreatCare.org, and if we can obtain T3 without a prescription she would be a possibility. I need to be sure not having a prescription won't be a major problem or mean that it costs significantly more though. Any advice?
Have you got the list of recommended thyroid specialists from Dionne at Thyroid Uk. This includes info about if endocrinologist will prescribe T3
I’m not sure I’m reading your original post correctly. It’s reads as if you already know that a particular Endo doesn’t issue prescriptions but will monitor. There are no guarantees that any Endo will issue T3 prescriptions even those on the recommendation list. That’s why it’s often useful to post a list of most recent blood tests and vitamin tests. The forum members are quite good at identity what may work or what to alter in order to get the best conversion and use of current medication. Or the blood results good show it’s pretty obvious that T3 is needed. It really saves a lot of time and money.
I know that an endo will only prescribe T3 in a particular case if they believe it to be indicated after taking a full history, looking at test results, asking about the symptoms and how they have responded to Levothyroxine etc. I have also come to realise that a lot of people are self-medicating, because they are not getting the help they need from doctors.
However, we are relatively new to this game, and for the moment would prefer to be under the medical guidance of a consultant who has a progressive and holistic approach to treating thyroid disorders, who will take more account of symptoms than just test results, and who will offer medication other than the standard Levothyroxine which the NHS and many endos insist is fine for every patient. We are not ready to go it alone yet, even with the support of people on this site.
It is clear that some people have found supportive endos willing to prescribe T3, and I have the list from thyroiduk, but I would like to hear individual's experience of the consultants they have seen. I have read a couple of bad reviews of one doctor on the thyroiduk list. I have found out about 2 local endos, Dr Annice Muckherjee and Dr Basil Issa, both of whom look like strong possibilities, and would appreciate PMs from anyone who has seen them to hear how they got on. I would equally be glad of any other recommendations by PM.
Sadly it happens a lot. I’ve been to a couple of specialists to support friends and not one would give a prescription.
One was v nice and just said “ oh yes I agree with your friend you need t3 you have hashimotos but I dare not prescribe anything but thyroxine. I’ll happily monitor your results.”
To which I said oh that’s ok I can do it for free. Even she laughed. Me less so.( it was £250 for consultation and £130 train fair plus taxi!!)
That was a waste of a day and I was shattered all week.
She did write to her gp but he declined to prescribe it too. No surprise in my area.