Three months ago I had what I thought was a bad virus.
I had my levels checked and my T3 had dropped from 5.4 to 3.54
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies had increased slightly to just under range.
Two weeks later retested my T3 and it had risen to 4.4.
I then increased NDT by 0.25 grain
So presently taking 1.75 grains of W.P. Thyroid.
Since then I have come out in a bad rash with looks like a mixture of eczema and urticaria.
I also started getting a pressure feeling in my throat, sometimes the feeling was on the left side, sometimes the right and other times where the "clacker" is.
The rash and throat feel do not always come together.
I had the throat feeling bad two days ago, no rash, but today throat is O.K. but rash is really bad on arms and neck.
Could all or any of this be connected to my thyroid.
Thank you.