Hi. I have been in pain with stomach past couple of month. Bloated stomach pain feeling sick running to toilet more. Always happens more after takeaway food or a lot of alcohol. But past 2 weeks things have got worse.. I ha heartburn for a couple of dad and caused me to be sick for 2 days solid not able to eat anything. I use a burning sensation in my stomach. If my daughter climbs on my belly it's like something is comming up to my throat..still have bloated feeling. Feels like am trying to swallow something from my throat constantly. The doctor has put it down to IBS/GERD...can these to things cause all these problems?? I am just waiting for my prescription off doctor for acid reflux. Am hoping this will ease my symptoms.
IBS/GERD: Hi. I have been in pain with stomach... - Thyroid UK

Have you tried going gluten free yet? If you have thyroid issues we often have gluten sensitivities as well as low stomach acid. I have IBS also and found food testing helpful. Hi fat foods and high acid foods are very hard to tolerate at times. Portion control can help (small meals 4 x a day instead of 3). Do you have any recent bloodwork you could post to look at your levels?

Hi rusty64 I have not tried gluten free yet. I have had all my bloods took for thyroids and everything all blood counts are fine all normal. I had tinnitus bloods came back fine. Am just bit confused about it all
My daughter suffered with IBS (well that was the NHS diagnosis!) anyway she saw a private doctor who discussed the FODMAP diet with her (details available online) it is quite restrictive but it works. If she occasionally ventures away from it, she knows it!!
Thanks for reply Shelley. I honestly think there is something worse then what the doctors are saying. My cousin has IBS but she don't seem to go like me...am putting it down to this GERD but I still don't think I have that surely to god it can't cause this much stress and pain. Just below my ribs feel bruised or like I have been doing sit-ups picking my 1 year old daughter up puts strain on it.
Have you been tested for H.pylori?
I had similar symptoms for a long time and was convinced I had an ulcer. Was continually fobbed off with Gaviscon.
It was H.pylori...after treatment the symptoms disappeared.
Hi pussycatwillow am just wondering what is H.pylori. All the doctor is doing at the minute is treating me go GERD I have to go back in 2 weeks to see if systems have changed...I don't have heratburn really am constantly burping and constantly feel like my stomach is swolling. When I sit up its like am squashing something in my stomach. When I lay down on my back it feels so much better am totally confused and sick.
H.pylori is a type of bacteria found in the stomach and is thought to cause stomach ulcers. It can cause an ache or burning feeling in stomach, frequent burping, bloating, nausea, etc
It may be worth asking if they will test for it. I was fed up with being giving Gaviscon. I asked my GP to test for it.
I had a burning sensation in stomach and a ache. Like sometimes it feels like AV been doing sit ups for a solid hour and pulled muscle if that makes sense. Picking heavy things up like strains my stomach. Used to have heartburn a lot but since eating low fat foods an cutting out fizzy drinks I don't get heartburn it's just the pain in stomach I still get...it flared up on Sunday I was in bed all day I couldn't move..I'm a lot better today a I've been on low fat doet etc. The doctor prescribed me omeprazole I've been taking since yesterday. So what do u have to take for it then please x