Hi all, ive been looking into natural things to help with the thyroid. Have any of you ever tried any of these things such as red onion and kelp? My mum said today, years ago they always made bread with Iodiene in it, and there werent so many thyroid problems about then. I know its not good to take kelp with thyroxeine but i want to look into it more. I really cant keep putting weight on like i have, and want to try and find something to help, seeing as the doctors cant
Red onions and kelp: Hi all, ive been looking... - Thyroid UK
Red onions and kelp

Lisa, I don't know about red onions, but supplementing iodine (kelp) is not a good idea for us Hypos, particularly so if you have Hashimoto's as I believe it can contribute to Hashi's flares.
Iodine used to be used as a treatment for hyperthyroidism.
Anyone thinking of supplementing with iodine should test first to see if there is any deficiency, and where needed iodine supplementation should be under the supervision of an experienced practioner.
I tried kelp for 6 months before taking NDT. The kelp made no difference, though I imitially scuppered the efficacy of my NDT by eating unfermented soya every day. Once I gave this up, it worked better.
You haven't mentioned your condition or medication, so I assume you are hypothyroid & take thyroid hormones? It''s important to make sure your nutrient levels are good to ensure this medication is converted to that which our cells need.
Recently I had a crisis with my Hashimoto's of 30 years . I had a craving for onions red or otherwise and I listened to that craving - it didn't last too long maybe a week or so .
And there are different opinions on kelp and iodine for Hashimoto's . Dr. Bergman the chiropractor out of California recommends small amounts of iodine for the Hashimoto's patient . And kelp taken sparingly it's just that little bit of iodine . In the crisis situation that I mentioned earlier I did begin to take the kelp and yes, the onions - although again I had not heard anything about the onions only that I knew my body was craving them raw ! In the crisis situation my blood pressure had risen to extreme highs as in on the border of stroke . I did many things that I've learned here including taking selenium . Things are better now much better and my blood pressure has returned to normal . Vitamin D3 is extremely important for the Hashimoto's patient . I found some organic onions from a local farmers market and they tasted like candy to me eating them raw following that crisis .
I do believe that taking too much iodine is not good and I believe the natural form of iodine as in kelp is better than taking any other kind of iodine . But I have no science to share with you to prove it . All I have is my own experience and what I've read from different functional doctors and chiropractors here in the states . If you are not familiar with the videos and YouTube videos of Dr. Bergman do the Google thing and find him he's great ! He has many videos on the thyroid and explains why we need just a little bit of iodine . There's another doctor I believe the website is : rayPeat.com. He tells a lot about the different vitamins and minerals and even hormones like progesterone that all of us need even men - with Hashimoto's .
I'm not hypo and I do supplement with small amounts of kelp.
Iodine deficiency can cause thyroid problems - and knowing exactly how much iodine you have in your diet is extremely difficult.
They used to put iodine in salt as well and I started supplementing with a small dose of kelp many years ago and found it helped with feeling run down after reducing the amount of salt in my diet.
I had an episode a few months ago where my energy levels were really low and was a bit shocked to find a blood result showing that my thyroid was a little under-active and per GP - retest in 3 months. I have migraines and they had been particularly bad for a few months - meaning that I was doing a lot of throwing up bile which, if I read stuff right - is one way of losing iodine - so doubled my kelp supplement to see what that did as I really couldn't have waited 3 months - I have problems absorbing other vitamins and minerals from my food as I have low stomach acidity anyway so that probably wasn't helping. Anyway, it seems to have resolved the problem for me at the moment. I'm not taking high doses of iodine - was careful to check that I wasn't before I doubled the dose.
Have to underline that I am not hyperthyroid (no family history either though I realise that doesn't rule thyroid problems out), and there were good reasons to believe that low result might be result of dietary deficiency in my case and I would really have preferred to work with GP but circumstances don't always allow that.