Possible new UK supplier for T3
Just saw this on Facebook page. Hope this means present supplier who charges NHS obscene price for T3 will have competition.
Possible new UK supplier for T3
Just saw this on Facebook page. Hope this means present supplier who charges NHS obscene price for T3 will have competition.
Thanks for finding this... looks promising. To me, anyway. But no doubt the government will try to argue against it.
Thank you hilary33
I wonder how much it will be for NHS to buy ? Hopefully it will be low and equivalent to other European supplies ! So now all we have to is get prescription out of GP
I think, perhaps, if the price is better than the present supplier and more on a par with the prices charged in the rest of Europe, we may see an increased willingness for doctors to try those patients with T3 for whom T4 is obviously not working. It's also nice to see that these suppliers will provide the tablets in blister packs rather than rattling about loose in a tub too!
Very interesting. I'll ask the pharmacist next time I visit to see what the cost is. Thanks for posting.
This is interesting ( Page 14 )
Extensive clinical experience with liothyronine sodium is considered to have demonstrated the therapeutic value of the compound.
I can only agree, of course. But what of the constant carping about how dangerous T3 is? That seems noticeable by its absence, no?
Great find, hilary33