Hi, if I was taking too much T3 what symptoms would I have. I take T3 only. Thank you so much x
Too much T3 - what symptoms to look for? - Thyroid UK
Too much T3 - what symptoms to look for?
If your FT3 is over range you are overmedicated. You may not have symptoms but symptoms of overmedication include hand tremors, moist hands, irritation, anxiety, palpitations, racing pulse, diarrhoea and sweating.
Thank you. I have none of these symptoms. X
I'd add vertigo also. I used the escalators in Oxford St John Lewis store as an indicator. If I look down and feel slightly uneasy I know I'm on too much. When I drop the dose a little I'm OK. Akso if it starts to take a little longer to get to sleep you know you are on too much.
Beware that too much thyroid hormone can have advese effects such as atrial fibrillation that can be asymptomatic and take years to develop.
Some patients need an fT3 that goes above the upper limit of its reference interval in order to get well. This presents a dilemma, trading off risks. In this case I'd try hard to stay on the lowest effective dose. Also, avoid generating false fT3 figures by leaving too long a time between the last dose and taking the blood.
Thanks so much x
Years ago, before the 'invention' of the TSH test, doctors tracked patients and dosed patients with NDT (that was all there was back then) by checking blood pressure, heart rate and body temp... as well as the alleviation of symptoms. That is something you can do yourself. Just keep a simple, daily log. Take temps/heart rate about 3 - 4 pm each day. That is supposedly when body temp is optimal. Note them in your log along with your dosage of thyroid meds and how you are feeling generally. If heart rate and body temp increases over norm, you know to back down on the T 3 or NDT.
**Some have noted that a mercury thermometer gives the most accurate body temperature results. Using digitals usually means keeping it in your mouth for 5 or more minutes at a time. Some vet suppliers still offer very affordable mercury thermometers. Ebay also has used ones sometimes. Just don't pay a fortune for them on Ebay.
Thanks so much.