In Feb I was taking 75/100 levo and 10 t3.
TSH 0.27 (0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 16.0 (12.0 - 22.0)
TT4 100 (59 - 154)
FT3 4.8 (3.1 - 6.8)
RT3 25 (10 - 24)
RT3 ratio 12.3 (15.01 - 75)
Now I'm taking 50/75 levo and 20 t3. I didn't bother with the bells-and-whistles test for this, just TFT.
TSH 2.99 (0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 11.0 (12.0 - 22.0)
FT3 5.6 (3.1 - 6.8)
So my t3 is better but my tsh is quite high. Bit surprised as tsh is always low (except on the odd occasion when I've been undermedicated). The blood draw was done 12hrs from my last dose of meds.
I feel better on this regimen. I could use a little more t3 I suppose? Any thoughts on how to go forward, or theories on why my tsh is so high? My only proviso is that I'd like to avoid adding levo (thinking it may have been the slightly high rt3 that made me feel unwell on more levo).