In February of this year I had a thyroid test as an outcome of a visit to GP suffering from anxiety. Because the result of a previous test (2 years ago) had shown that my thyroid was 'borderline' (GPs words) my GP suggested that I have another test which again showed borderline. At the time I didn't ask for the details but I then I started to feel rough: fatigue, low mood, feeling of a lump in my throat etc. My Mother has an underactive thyroid and my Grandmother also had an underactive thyroid. I found this very informative site and printed the symptom list, ticked the symptoms I was experiencing and tok it to my GP. The outcome was that the GP said I could try 25mg dose of levothyroxine if I wished. I also had some more bloods taken. So I have been taking levothyroxine for a couple of weeks but still feeling rough. Some days I feel OK (never great) other days I feel awful. I have asked for a printout of my results which are as follows:
23/02/17: Serum TSH level 9.8 mIU/L (0.4 -5.00) 'Abnormal'
Serum free T4 level 10pmol/L (9-19)
22/06/17: Serum TSH level 6.6mIU/L (0.4-0.5) 'Abnormal'
Serum free T4 level 12pmol/L (9-19)
There is a note on my lab results to to repeat in 3-6 months with TPO antibodies to confirm.
Any advice anyone can give me would be much appreciated.