Re: Liothyronine PL 10972/0033
Thank you for your recent enquiry to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
1. The SPC is the approved prescribing information for this product and will include the medical conditions it is licensed for. According to our licensing records, Liothyronine Tablets 20mcg PL 10972/0033 is licensed to treat the following medical conditions (licensed indications):
Liothyronine sodium tablets are qualitatively similar in biological action to thyroxine but the effect develops in a few hours and lasts for 24 to 48 hours after stopping the treatment.
Used for the treatment of coma of myxedema, the management of severe chronic thyroid deficiency and hypothyroid states occurring in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis.
Liothyronine sodium can be used also in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis as an adjunct to carbimazole to prevent sub-clinical hypothyroidism developing during treatment.
Liothyronine sodium may be preferred for treating severe and acute hypothyroid states because of its rapid and more potent effect, but thyroxine sodium is normally the drug of choice for routine replacement therapy.
2. This product was previously licensed as PL 00039/0432 and PL 00004/5032R (Tertroxin Tablets 20mcg). The medical conditions it is licensed for have not changed.
3. The current licence holder is Mercury Pharma Group Limited, Capital House, 85 King Wiliam Street, London EC4N 7BL. The licence has been renewed and is valid indefinitely.