Hi All
I wrote previously re my symptoms and my GP refusing to do a full thyroid function test. I now have the test results from the private hospital.
See attached below.
I queried with the consultant why she did not test for T3 - having read all the forums i needed all the test including T3? the response from doctor (names excluded):-
@In the presence of a normal T4 and TSH, the T3 is not helpful, as there is
no indication to treat T3 alone. T3 levels are helpful when it is high and
above the normal range, but a low T3 may just signify non thyroidal illness
( seen in patients with malnutrition or are ill or depressed , or admitted
ill in hospital or have liver disease etc. In fact , in hypothyroid patient
with high TSH and low T4, the T3 can still be quite normal....ie it doesn't
correlate to symptoms of hypothyroidism. The T3 is very important to test
if TSH is supressed , as a high T3 indicates too much thyroid hormone.
This is the reason that the NHS does not test T3 ( an expensive test) unless
the TSH is abnormal. It would be inappropriate to treat someone for T3 if
the TSH and T4 are normal. If the patient is hypothyroid ( ie has a raised
TSH) , then some people will look at the ratio of T4 to T3 to consider T3
treatment....but there is not much evidence to support it.
Generally the guidelines suggest that we would treat symptomatically with T3
and T4 if the hypothyroid patient has not responded to Thyroxine treatment
alone. The Endocrine Society does not recommend monitoring patients on T3/T4
treatment with measurements of T3 either though I would , to look for too
high T3 levels.
Whilst I am happy for you to have the test done , it will not alter the
decision to treat. I hope the explanation makes sense. @
Is this right should i still ask for the test? My symptoms, really low mood, tired all time, no weight loss despite exercise/diet control, cold hands and feet, hair loss, cramps and stiffness, wake up feeling really drained like i have run a marathon, very moody and tearful. Follow largely a gluten free diet. Doctor thought i was coeliac and wanted to do a dect scan and then refer me to a gastro specialist.
I'm just really confused and very tired.