I was on levo .88mcg and wanted to switch to natural, I bought Thyrovanz 50mg, I started one ndt per day 3wks ago I was fine(sorta). 5 days ago I upped ndt to 2pills per morning and 3 days later started getting palpitations so I backed down to just 1 again and feeling very hypo today. I really need to up the ndt but I hate the palps, and the thyrovanz are a capsule full of powder so I can't really cut the pill in half and work my way up to 2pills per morning. When I first started I went cold turkey off levo and the next day went to 1pill ndt maybe I did that wrong? It's still to early for me to get blood work done I need to wait till 6wks it's only been 4wks. Any info and/or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
New here and need advice going from levo to ndt - Thyroid UK
New here and need advice going from levo to ndt

Thyrovanz is a dietary supplement not NDT. Prescription NDT like Armour, NatureThroid, WP, NP, Erfa and Thai NDT contain 38mcg T4 and 9mcg T3 per grain or 60mg tablet.
What are the exact ratios of T4 and T3 in Thyrovanz™?
Thyrovanz™ is classed as a whole food dietary supplement with each capsule containing the natural contents of the bovine thyroid glandular which include thyroid hormones T4, T3, T2, T1 and Calcitonin. However being a natural product the relative amounts of these hormones have not been established.
Basically there could be a nominal amount of T4 and T3 in Thyrovanz but its anyone's guess how much, if there is any at all. Because the T4 and T3 content is not declared it is impossible to estimate what dose would be equivalent to 88mcg Levothyroxine.
Well I guess I made a mistake thinking it was a ndt. I will have to start back up on my levo and try to look for a non prescription ndt that you listed above. Would you happen to know a reliable source to get a true ndt that doesn't require a script? I really hate to go back to synthetic it's just not rite for me.
Personally I came off levo for 2 weeks as it can stay in your system for 7 weeks I started on a low dose 1/4 grain and built up over a few weeks its the best way DON'T do a direct swap as yyour doctor may tell you. Unless you are taking some form of T3 its vital that you introduce T3 slowly so your body can get used to it.
I wouldn't have did 2 capsules in the morning, I would have did one in the morning an one in the afternoon.....