Hi, I have been under the care of an Endo (NHS) for a couple of months now due to unexplained fatigue and complete lack of energy for the past 10 years (which had slowly gotten worse).
He did some blood work, the usual, TSH, FT4, HB, cortisol etc - he even did a short synacthen test, ACTH test and adrenal antibodies test - which all came back as normal.
I was convinced I have adrenal fatigue as I was given a 5 day course of prednisolone last year as the gp thought a cough I had was due to asthma! It was actually whooping cough!
For those 5 days I felt amazing - completely wired but was great to lay in bed and actually watch a film instead of my eyelids.
I had a private saliva test which showed low cortisol on waking and at 4. And lower end of range at midday and 10pm - the endo doesn't know what to do with these results as according to him 'I'm a mystery' 😡
So my question is this: do you think it's possible that I am hypothyroid (possibly hashimotos) and do you think I should get tested for thyroid antibodies
TSH 2.12. Range 0.27 - 4.20
Free T4 13.3 range 10.8 - 25.5
Sorry for the long post - I'm desperate to find an answer so I can start to live my life without feeling like I'm just being lazy!