Advise about getting T3 prescription filled in ... - Thyroid UK

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Advise about getting T3 prescription filled in France

Sarahpk profile image
41 Replies

i have a private prescription from a UK Endochronologist for T3, he advised me I can get this filled in France for a fraction of the UK cost. Anyone done this so can clarify the process. Our house is in France and we are going next week. Do I have to see Fr GOP and get French prescription or can I take this one straight to Pharmacy. Feeling very angry about the whole process and cost of this vital medicine, makes me feel like a drug smuggler!

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Sarahpk profile image
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41 Replies
Clutter profile image


See whether a pharmacy will accept the prescription. I think there may be difficulty if the prescription is 20mcg as I believe French T3 is 25mcg.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Clutter

Yes, it is. And it depends how well you speak French and can explain your problem. I've never found French pharmacists to be very knowledgeable - although they think they are! - or helpful. They might try and tell you it's the same as T4! Happened to me a couple of times.

Plus, they'll only give you enough for one month, no matter what the prescription says! And they don't usually keep it in stock.

Clutter profile image


You could use your prescription to buy Thybon 20 from Germany. Cost is €30.15 x 100 x 20mcg as opposed to £258+ for 28 x 20mcg in the UK.

Canvasbutterfly profile image
Canvasbutterfly in reply to Clutter

can you buy it online or do you have to physically be in Germany! and present a perscritption

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Canvasbutterfly


You can buy online and scan your prescription.

Rosie2poppy profile image
Rosie2poppy in reply to Clutter

Hi can you tell me if the prescription says liothyronine on it will it still be accepted in Germany?

If yes could you tell me what website I would use?

I got a months supply once from my GP for thybon henning then the head of the the practice told me it was too expensive being prescribed rubbish quality from Mercury pharma again,I felt great on the thybon henning.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Rosie2poppy


If you Google "Thybon 20" you'll see links where to obtain Thybon. Your head of practice was so wrong. 100x20mcg Thyrbon costs €30.15 whereas 28x20mcg Mercury Pharma costs £258+.

Rosie2poppy profile image
Rosie2poppy in reply to Clutter

Do you if the prescription says liothyronine on it will I still get thybon henning?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Rosie2poppy

Thybon is simply one brand name of liothyronine.

You need to communicate with the dispensing pharmacy to be sure, but it certainly can be dispensed against a prescription which says liothyronine.

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to Clutter

This sounds a lot more reasonable price wise thanks

jackiehyland profile image
jackiehyland in reply to Clutter

Hi I'm Jackie ! 😀 I will be buying some t3 when I go to rhodes in June I'm currently on 200levothyroxine just come down from 225 was over medicated then left to feel appalling with no help from gp but I know in 4 weeks time I will be back feeling lethargic aching muscles and weight gain also the extra levothyroxine shot up my cholesterol higher than its ever been before and was called into surgery for a lecture on heart disease and pre_ diabetes can't believe where they get off treating hypothyroidism patients the way they do!! So I was wondering if you knew how much T3 would you take if your currently on 200 daily ? I know the T3 comes in 25 mg any suggestions ,would be grateful

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to jackiehyland


Please write your own post and include your most recent thyroid results and ranges and I'll reply.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to jackiehyland

Don't bank on getting your T3. I live in Crete and there is currently a supply issue ....

spikyjules profile image

I order my T3 online from Greece - no prescription. My prescription here was 20mcg but could only get 25mcg - I have taken the 25mcg for 6 months and haven't felt any adverse effects. The supplier seems very reliable.

Canvasbutterfly profile image
Canvasbutterfly in reply to spikyjules

Hello spikyjules,

I have been informed that within three months we will all have to pay for our T3 meds here in the UK. I have just been prescribed my first three months. Saw an Endo today and after describing my symptoms have been suggested that I try a T4/T3 mix; Levo and T3 (not sure what brand name yet).

After that Endo says it will cost £200 or equivalent per month to fulfil prescription from UK pharmacies. Could you message me where your supply is purchased from I would be very grateful.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Canvasbutterfly

Why cannot Endo prescribe on a 'named-patient basis' for the other T3's available in the UK. These have been used for a long time mainly overseas I blieve.

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to shaws

Thanks clutter I am going to forward this to my Dr and Endo - so does this mean it would then be thru NHS prescription so not the 250 per month!?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Sarahpk

An NHS prescription can be used in a UK pharmacy and fulfilled with, say, Sanofi Cynomel, if written properly. May be very sensible for doctor and pharmacist to talk to each other before treading this path. The cost is not obvious but could well be less than for MercuryPharma liothyronine.

An NHS prescription can be used in any EU country and fulfilled with whatever product is appropriate. You would have to pay for whatever is dispensed (and postage).

Simiallrly, a private prescription can be used in any EU country so long as it is written out properly and all required details are present. Doctors very often charge for private prescriptions.

There is a possible problem in that the person writing the prescription would not wish you to then use the prescription to get the over-priced Mercury Pharma liothyronine!

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to helvella

Its a private prescription from private visit to Endo, my GP refused to even discuss T3 and didnt know any NHS Endo that was knowledgable about this! All they wanted to dobwas reduce Levo when I am bed ridden with pain and fatigue! I am at the start of my journey with rhus and husband just made redundant, so looking for how to get med I need long term with least costs. Its allvso complicated at a time I can hardly think!

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Sarahpk

I'm sorry you are bedridden. I think you need T3 as I was also bedridden before being diagnosed and then the pain was much worse when I was given levo. The doctors have a cheek to think it is 'all in the mind' and we get disparaged because we dare say, 'it's not working'. We are then told you are 'normal range' so therefore you have to feel normal health. Not the case.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to shaws

P.S. Before levothyroxine and the blood tests were introduced NDT was the only replacement thyroid hormones to be prescribed.

I assume, that those who had been doing well on NDT and then switched to levo may not have found it as suitable as NDT.

When complaints arose and people may have wanted to return to NDT False Statements arose made by some Associations.

Then doctors forbidden to prescribe NDT, now it is T3 which is being treated the same as NDT. To force patients that levothyroxine alone will sort the patient out, never mind the 'other' prescriptions that will be given for the remaining or additional symptoms.

Disregarding completely the unwell patient who has to 'get on with it' or told they are depressed. Who might well be if they don't have sufficient T3 converting or unable to process T4 at all therefore remaining hypo.

By making False Statements and not listening to the patients who are still very unwell and if levothyroxine was perfect there would be no need at all for all the alternative websites such as STTM and Hypothyroidmum and desperate patients worldwide.

I'd like to know how much money is paid by the Pharmaceutical Companies to doctors and some which will be 'in kind'.

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to shaws

Thank you for this over view of what has nd is happening. I am going to post cos I really want to fight for Justice. I am a thyroid can er survivor who has put upbwith misdiagnosis and mishandling in 3 countrys and just now starting to get real help from an informed but private Endo! AND to learn all this makes me so angry!! I am thoroughly disabled! We have the financial means to help mysel for only a few months. The private Dr, T3 and Dr Sarah Myehill supplements have cost us almost 700 pounds this month alone!!

bob1kat profile image
bob1kat in reply to Sarahpk

I think your easiest & cheapest course of action would be to look abroad for your T3. Greece sells 300 T3 for just £65 delivered. can take a while to come through, so you have to plan in advance.

Let me know if I can help.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Sarahpk

The cost of your T3 is high. If you put up a new post asking for a Private Message to be sent to you of a source, it might be much more economical. Most of us on this forum 'do it ourselves' with help from members.

I have my thyroid gland and I always believe if someone has their thyroid gland removed, T3 (or added to T4) or NDT should be the proper prescription. NDT has all the hormones a healthy gland would produce. Of course, everything has to be trial and error as what suits one doesn't suit another.

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to shaws

I was just talking to my husband about the situation and it does seem logical that I may well do better on NDT especially hving no thyroid! I cant believe no medical person has mentioned in 14 years any options other than T4!! I am going to see how I go now I am doung combination T4 T3 and if dont improve will switch to NDT any advice how long to try combination as I have read it can take time before we feel the benefits, are weeks or months a fair trial ?

jackiehyland profile image
jackiehyland in reply to spikyjules

How much of your levothyroxine did you drop ? And have your cholesterol levels drop ? I've asked my gp several times I've read that patients are feeling better with a bit of t3 who replied : wait for this one : everyone is different which I replayed well why are we all on the same medication ? He was really annoyed I could see it in his face I was also told he was busy and had sick patients too see , so I've decided to do things my way now :so was hoping maybe the t3 may lower my cholesterol then he can be left wondering how I've managed to achieve this and he couldn't as his Statins aren't working either !!! I mean what are we supposed to do really thanks

Glynisrose profile image

Ask which pharmacy.

siannie profile image


I get mine from France (well actually my boss ) I was ion the same situation as you

Private endo recommended getting t3 in France .

He gave me a script for 3 months supply . My boss who has a home out there took it to her local chemist who said she could o kg have 1 months supply .

Cost was e3.60 ....bargain 😛

My endo has now given me 2 scripts which my boss is taking to 2 different chemists.

The French version is cytom 25mgs . I take 1/2 a tablet 3 x a week .

I've only been been on it a month but seems to be helping

The French one is for 25mcg. Just order it without a prescription like I do. Make sure that you offer to pay the whole amount yourself.

YSpencer profile image
YSpencer in reply to

Hi Bunnyjean. My GP is willing to give me a named prescription but I’m having problems as to where to buy it from. Which site do you use? Is it CYNomel that you get? Thanks Yvonne

Charentejodie profile image
Charentejodie in reply to

Are you saying you can get 25mcg in France without prescription pls bunnyjean?

in reply to Charentejodie

Yes I buy T3 every 4 weeks here in France. I buy two boxes that cost me 6.96 euros.

At first my local Pharmacy had to order it in for the same afternoon but they now keep stock.

I simply go to the counter and ask for it. I have only been asked for a prescription once and I replied that I paid for it in full. They never questioned me but just ordered it in for the afternoon.

The other local towns have offered to order for me without a prescription too. I have been getting it since May this year.

Charentejodie profile image
Charentejodie in reply to

Pls could you tell me the brand etc to ask for?

Charentejodie profile image

Hi thanks for responding to my post, do you have advice for me pls?

Marz profile image

See my other reply to your comments 😊

Yes sure, ask for Cytomel, it's made by Sanofi Aventis The tablet size is 0,025mg.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to

Typo time.

Cynomel - rather than Cytomel!

in reply to helvella

Just a mistake on my part, sorry. Yes it's Cynomel.

JIssenmann profile image
JIssenmann in reply to

Hi Bunnyjean, I live in France (81100) and since I read your several posts about buying CYNOMEL in France without prescription I've been asking around to 5 different pharmacies in town and they ALL told me that I needed a prescription for it. None of the pharmacies sold any T3 meds without prescription. Well, the only thing they have for T3 is Cynomel and none of them aware of other brands with or without prescription. Can you kindly, please help me! I don't know how this forum works if you need my email address or whatnot to interact with each other privately. I suppose I'll wait for your answer on this thread. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Where do you live? Have you got a thyroid problem and are you taking medication for it?

I think that you have been going about getting it in the wrong way maybe I can help you!

You live in a large town to be able to go to five different pharmacies.

Dordogne profile image
Dordogne in reply to

My partner was under the impression it wasn't possible to get T3 in France (she has been on Levo for 20 months and still falls asleep at 8 in the evening and feels lack luster during the days) so reading this is great news!

We are at the top of the Dordogne near the Haute Vienne and Charente. We have driven Upton two hours away trying to visit specialist but only found out about T3 from online and she would love to see if it is better so any recommendations as to how to source it would be great.

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