Yesterday I attended an appointment at another hospital with yet another endo.
Having seen three at my local hospital (Truro), I was referred to Derriford.
I have been on T3 only for a few years (after starting on T4 then a combined T4 and T3.)
Over the last year or so the endos have insisted I add T4 (for my heart.) but every time I add T4 my blood pressure goes high and I loose my balance. Having stopped the T4 I had a twentyfour hour blood pressure test, which turned out ok. The endo. yesterday was of the same opinion. She has changed my prescription to 100 mcg. T4 at night and 10 mcg. T3 twice a day.
I'm happy to change to this if it works but it doesn't explain the high blood pressure and balance problems, and if it's not thyroid related what is it????