Does anyone suffer from pain in throats when swallowing food then feel like you have something stuck in your throat. I have an under active thyroid and don't know if this is related to the thyroid as the pain feels like it's about where the adams pile is.
Pain in throat: Does anyone suffer from pain in... - Thyroid UK
Pain in throat

Ask your GP to palpate your throat and neck to feel for a swelling (goitre) or lump (nodule) which might be compressing your trachea. If GP detects either an ultrasound scan of the thyroid should be ordered to check the size and condition of the gland and any goitre or nodules.
Thanks I'll give it a go but my doctor always looks at me like I'm just making things up. They seem to think that a thyroid issue isn't important and just a minor irritation
Have you had a thyroid antibody test? If you have Hashimoto's that can inflame the thyroid causing the pain and sensation you are experiencing. That's no reason to avoid asking your GP to examine you though because having Hashi's doesn't rule out having a goitre or nodule.
I'm not blaming my doctors for telling me I was experiencing globus sensation years ago when my thyroid nodule was probably too small to be palpable but the sensation got worse over a couple of decades and I didn't pursue it until the lump appeared in my neck over night because it couldn't deviate my trachea further. Thyroid is just a minor irritation until it becomes something which requires surgery
Hi Elaine
I have been hypothyroid for 10 years and been on levothyroxine during this time and suddenly about 3 months ago had similar feeling in my throats when my Gp palpated my thyroid she said it appeared slightly enlarged but not worryingly so but recommended I had an ultrasound that came back clear thankfully however the pain/ ache in my throat remained it was really dragging me down. I have been flowing a gluten free diet now for about 6 weeks & theist sensation has disappeared. I suggested to my GP about possible hashimotos but I had my antibodies tested several years ago & the test camelback negative howeve I believe u can still have hashis with neg result. However Gp agreed to test again & I had bloods done yesterday for antibodies , bit D, B12 etc do I await these results my last. thyroid bloods were Tsh 0.85 T4 about 20 which o believe are fine but I still had this awful throat sensation please don't give up make a pest of yourself , push for an ultrasound & antibody testing plus try a gluten free diet it def seems to have worked for me. Hope this is of some help
Yes just this last week or so I have had a feeling of something stuck in my throat. It seems to come and go, no pain though. Already been to GP who prescribed Gaviscon says it's a reflux type thing but I am sure it's connected to my thyroid. Seeing a different GP next week so see what he says. Hope yours settles down I know how uncomfortable it feels.