I was wondering where I could buy t3 online? If anyone knows of a credible source, could they PM me?
I was wondering where I could buy t3 online? If anyone knows of a credible source, could they PM me?
If you are going to self medicate you will have the cost of private thyroid tests as well as buying your own medication. Why don't you try Levothyroxine before T3?
I would be willing to try the cheaper option if it could work in theory. My results have high Ft3/ft4 and high tsh so it appears I have hormone resistance. I was looking at t3 as opposed to levothyroxine because I thought t3 was the only efficient treatment for hormone resistance. Then again it isn't completely guaranteed I have hormone resistance which makes things tricky. I'm just running out of time to get better when i have so many commitments, and Im also worried that I'll get nowhere and waste more time seeing my doctor.
I really think you should have RTH investigated rather than self medicate. If you don't have RTH increasing FT4 and FT3 levels for a long time will increase your risks of developing atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis.
Yeah I would definitely prefer to have it diagnosed. However I was under the impression that it was a difficult condition to diagnose and that it is relatively safe to self medicate with t3 if done sensibly. This was intended to be a backup plan just in case i can't make progress with a professional. Would you have symptoms of over stimulation before you have negative impacts on your health? I guess that isn't a risk I would take if you could haha
I didn't have symptoms of over stimulation when my FT3 was too high other than my hair started coming out in clumps. Some people can have extraordinarily high FT3 without feeling hyper.
Oh that makes things difficult then. I guess my confidence comes from my symptoms. I have myxedema all over which is thyroprival and tons of other symptoms that are mostly exclusively related to hypo. My results are also unusual and indicative of resistance. If things don't go well with this doctor I wouldn't really know which direction to head. My family on my mother's side also have similar tsh (around 4) and are symptomatic. I heard that some doctors diagnose through trial and error when it comes to hormone resistance which makes treatment controversial?
I should think that RTH should be treated by thyroid specialists not diabetes endocrinologists and GPs. I believe endocrinologists can get advice from tertiary specialists at Addenbrookes.