Hi everybody.
i got many responses for my last post, that's why i wanted to thank this community once again.
Now i have again a question:
Because of my last blood test i decided to medicate myself with T3 as suggested from many users. But then i thought about it again, it didn't feel right because i am still young and i can't believe, that my thyroid is shutting down and i have to fix it with medication.
How ever i stopped my medication with hoping that my thyroid will work well again.
i tried to fix my lifestyle that could decrease my own t3 production like less sleep etc.
Last week i tested my blood again:
ft3 has the same value as the last blood test.
ft4 is a bit less then last time
TSH has increased a lot.
I don't know how interpret my TSH value. My thoughts :
- I stopped t3 medication, that means my body has to build t3 by itself again.
For this reason my TSH has increased. - increased TSH means , my body wants to build more t3
- On the other side it doesn't make any sense, because my ft3 level has reached the same value as before the medication. So my body shouldn't have the need to build much more ft3. Because it is used to 4.3 pmol/l.
Why has TSH increased this much ?
Can that be, that the external medication and changing my lifestyle could have set a new ideal t3-level?
What do you think, are there any explanation for increased TSH even tough ft3 and ft4 hasn't changed?
I would be very glad, if you guys could help me.
And this are my results from last time :
fT4: 12.8 pmol/l. Reference : 10-28.0 pmol/l
fT3 : 4.3 pmol/l. Reference : 3.0 -9.5 pmol/l
TSH: 2.096 mU/l Reference : 0.1 - 4.0 mU/l
Recent test results:
fT4: 12.4 pmol/l. Reference : 10-28.0 pmol/l
fT3 : 4.3 pmol/l. Reference : 3.0 -9.5 pmol/l
TSH: 4.759 mU/l Reference : 0.1 - 4.0 mU/l -> has increased !! last time 2.096 mU/l !!!!
Additional info :
- I tested antibodies with the first blood test and they were normal, thats why i didn't test it again.
- As i medicated myself i started with 25 mcg and went to 75 mcg .As i stopped i reduced 25mcg every 4 day.