Thyroid Peroxidase Newly diagnosed: I had a bout... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid Peroxidase Newly diagnosed

blackcornish1964 profile image
6 Replies

I had a bout of Hives about 4 weeks ago, never had it before. My GP suggested a blood test to see if there was an underlying problem. I was called in last week to be told my T4 T3 (not a clue what they are talking about) was okay, but that they had also tested me for anti bodies and this had come back high (from memory 52?) and therefore I was being put on levothyroxine 50mg to start but he expected it would increase in dosage. He also checked my neck and said it was swollen (something I had thought myself, but thought it was an age thing). I have had no symptoms to speak of, so it is all a bit of a shock to be told I will be on medication for the rest of my life. He said I had autoimmune disease (is this the same as Hashimoto disease?) Reading the forum has confused me even more,gluten diets/should I still be using my treadmill? I realise i should have asked him to explain more, and when I go back in 2 months time I will, but in the meantime any help much appreciated.

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blackcornish1964 profile image
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6 Replies
Clutter profile image

Welcome to the forum, Blackcornish1964.

Positive thyroid peroxidase antibodies means you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's). There is no cure for Hashimoto's which causes 90% of hypothyroidism. Treatment is for the low thyroid levels it causes. Many people have found that 100% gluten-free diet is helpful in reducing Hashi flares, symptoms and eventually antibodies.

Your gland may be swollen if Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is high and flogging your gland to produce thyroid hormone (T4 and T3) or Hashimoto's may be causing the swelling. Swelling may subside when you are optimally medicated on Levothyroxine.

For maximum absorption Levothyroxine should be taken with water 1 hour before or 2 hours after food and drink, 2 hours away from other medication and supplements, and 4 hours away from calcium, iron, vitamin D supplements and oestrogen.

It takes 7-10 days for Levothyroxine to be absorbed before it starts working and it will take up to six weeks to feel the full impact of the dose.

You should have a follow up thyroid test 6-8 weeks after starting Levothyroxine. Arrange an early morning and fasting (water only) blood draw when TSH is highest, and take Levothyroxine after your blood draw.

As you aren't symptomatic there's no reason to stop using your treadmill.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

blackcornish1964 profile image
blackcornish1964 in reply to Clutter

Many thanks for that, he never mentioned the term Hashimoto, so I wasn't sure. I am five days into my Levothyroxine and haven't noticed any side effects yet. I imagine this may occur when I increase the dosage.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to blackcornish1964


UK doctors tend to call it thyroiditis or chronic thyroiditis rather than Hashimoto's. A rose by any other name... etc.

Most people don't have adverse effects when taking Levothyroxine.

Yes you have Hashimoto's, since your antibodies are raised, that's an auto-immune disease. It is a shock to hear, isn't it? *hugs* But there is so much you can do to help yourself, and since your GP has prescribed 50 mcg Levo, you're off to a (hopefully!) good start. I am jealous. :D I had much higher Abs than you but still had to persuade my GP to give me Levo, and that was only after a second blood test and then only 25 mcg. Your dosage may need to be increased further but your GP should keep an eye on your symptoms/blood results over the course of the year (you should be going back for another blood test in 6-8 weeks to check your progress).

So - since you have Hashi's it is advisable to drop all gluten-containing products from your diet, since sometimes people find their antibodies fall if they do (but that doesn't happen for everyone), so you might want to try that. The good news is you've been diagnosed early and hopefully will not go on to develop too many symptoms, and of course you have this forum to dip into for advice and encouragement whenever you need it. :)

I'm not sure about your treadmill, someone else here will have better knowledge to advise on that. (Edit: And that would be Clutter! :D )

Disclaimer: I'm not medically qualified, just a fellow Hashi's sufferer.

blackcornish1964 profile image

Thanks Jadzhia (are you a DS9 fan?). It was a huge shock, but to be honest I was horrified when I received the letter, and was expecting the dreaded C word, so to find it was something treatable was a huge relief in an odd way. My GP seems very nice, I was shocked to read to some of the horror stories on the forum. He was surprised that the lab had done the test for anti bodies, apparently this isn't the norm, so I guess I was lucky. I hope you have found help now?

in reply to blackcornish1964

Yes I am indeed! I've two cats named Odo and Curzon. :D Or I did have two, Curzon died a couple of years back. Odo ironically has an overactive thyroid, he's doing better than I am with my underactive one!

Yes at least Hashi's is treatable! Thank you, yes I am due another blood test tomorrow then I will see how that goes and whether my GP will up my Levo. I feel it needs to go up, I haven't gotten rid of all my symptoms and am now cold most days, with freezing hands and feet which isn't something I've ever had before, even living in England on the coldest days! I feel fortunate that Levo is (so far) agreeing with me. My doc is OK, she's at least not ignorant about the thyroid, but she is probably over-cautious as she said she didn't want me to go 'hyper'. I am far from hyper. :D Hang on to your GP, he's rare as gold dust!

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