Hypothyroidism & PCOS - Trying to find a doctor... - Thyroid UK

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Hypothyroidism & PCOS - Trying to find a doctor that will refer me to an Endo.

JadeJ profile image
20 Replies

Hello, to keep a long story short. I was diagnosed Hypo almost 2 years ago around the same time i was given my PCOS diagnosis to. I am currently having a lot of problems with extreme periods, heavy irregular bleeding and i have a large 8cm (last time it was checked) cyst on my left ovary that's causing me a lot of pain, when the periods got extreme 6 weeks ago i was hit with horrible anxiety too, i think the anxiety stemmed from the hormones and bleeding i have also been suffering depression and fatigue because i was not sleeping. When it all began getting bad i went to the doctors, my thyroid levels are within ''normal range'' and other blood test results all came back okay, i have had my cervix checked and I am awaiting my appointment with the gynaecologist too about getting this cyst removed and to see if there is anything else down there going on. My anxiety symptoms have got better as i started back on my anti depressants and seeing a CBT Therapist (i was on anti depressants for nearly three years for stress related anxiety and came off them earlier this year, then this all happened!) All this has made me more concerned over my thyroid though and I asked me doctor if it was possible to be referred to an endo just to make sure ALL my levels are okay. As now my anxiety has eased and I am sleeping a bit better, I feel so damn tired throughout the day. I'm not sure whether its the after effects of weeks of anxiety and no sleep or if it is my thyroid .. or something else! After all, with all this anxiety i was also bleeding almost none stop! So basically, my doctor said there is no need for me to be referred to an endo because my levels are coming back okay! she said i wouldn't be given an appointment. I am in the Salford area and wondered if anyone has had any luck with their doctor taking them seriously?

I am only 27 and feel so tired all the time! I don't have children and I work from home. I am very over weight and find it very hard to lose weight especially with PCOS to! I am on 150mg of Levothyroxine. I am considering supplements and have researched what to take but do i discuss this with my useless doctor first? They seem to be taking my gynae issues more seriously but whenever i bring up my thyroid that conversation ends within a single sentence! Help!

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20 Replies
Clutter profile image

Welcome to the forum, Jadej.

If you post your recent thyroid results with the ranges (the figures in brackets after results) members will advise whether you are optimally medicated on 150mcg. I'm not sure what supplements you are considering taking. You can certainly supplement 200mcg selenium which is thyroid friendly without discussing with your GP. It would be better to have blood tests to check the level of ferritin, vitamin D, B12 and folate before supplementing those.

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

I have never been given my ranges. Each time i am just told that they are within normal range :( - Am I within my rights to ask for them?

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to JadeJ

As for supplements i have been looking at the suggestions on hypothyroid Mom's site. x

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to JadeJ


Normal range is very broad so it matters where in range your results are. The Data Protection Act entitles patients to the results and ranges after testing. Ask your GP receptionist for a printout of your last thyroid results. If you request the results within 40 days of testing there should be no charge other than a nominal £1/£2 fee to cover the costs of printer ink and paper.

Which supplements are you considering using?

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

Oh well I am popping to the doctors tomorrow to collect my appointment letter for gynae so I will ask the receptionist if she can print it out for me. Thank you

Magnesium for a better nights sleep, I think Omega 3 was recommended.


JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

Sorry i forgot to add that my iron, b12 etc is coming back okay x

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to JadeJ


There's no harm in supplementing magnesium and omega 3. Take all supplements 2 hours away from Levothyroxine and iron, calcium and vitD 4 hours away from Levothyroxine.

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

I will do thanks! I will post all my results if i manage to get them tomorrow! I am struggling to find a dr who takes my hypo seriously. I am 27 and I feel so tired today I just can't be bothered to do my work, i feel like sleeping! x

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to JadeJ


Post your results in a new question for comment. Optimising thyroid levels and vitamins and minerals should eventually resolve hypothyroid symptoms. Endocrinologists aren't always very helpful and tend to blame symptoms on other conditions if your thyroid levels are vaguely in range.

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

Ah, I have heard many people say differently as all we want to be is listened too! And how do I know I am converting into T3? I find i will never know without seeing an Endo! Doctor isn't willing to test all my vitamin and mineral levels! x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to JadeJ

I very much doubt an endo would be able to tell you if you're converting! lol Nor would he be interested.

But, he might - just might - test your FT3 for you. To know if you're converting well, you need to compare your FT4 to your FT3. The FT3 should be higher than the FT4 in their respective ranges. So, for example, if the FT4 is up the top of the range, and the FT3 at the bottom, you are converting very badly.

'OK' is not good enough for ferritin, B12, etc. You need the actual figures to see where they are in the range. You want them optimal, not just 'in range'. :)

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to greygoose

No need to laugh. I'm still trying to understand hypothyroidism and as my gp doesn't seem to take hypo all that seriously, I thought an endo who is a specialist might!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to JadeJ

I wasn't laughing at you. I was just laughing at the lack of knowledge of endos. Sorry if my intentions weren't clear.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to JadeJ


You can order private blood tests via thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin...

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to Clutter

I wish I could afford to go private 😞 but thank you x

shaws profile image

This is a link which explains the connection between PCOS and Hypothyroidism. I think you need a new blood test (as early as possible and fasting) You should also allow 24 hours between your last dose of levo and the test and take it afterwards.

You are young so should be out and about enjoying yourself which you cannot do as your hormones are not functioning as they should.

Ask your GP for TSH, T3, T4, Free T3 and Free T4, also get B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.

If GP says you don't need some of these mentioned, tell him/her you want to get to the root of your problems and you need the Frees tested so you can get accurate advise from the NHS Choices for information of dysfunctions on the thyroid gland. Female problems are a common complaint.

Always get a print-out of your blood tests and tell your doctor you are going to do that in the future. Sometimes a nominal sum is taken for the paper/ink..


Put your new ranges on a new post so you will get fresh responses.

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to shaws

I see you are in the uk! I take it you are one of the lucky ones who has a gp willing to test all thyroid levels!

I've asked a few times and its not necessary because "I'm in normal range" apparently.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to JadeJ

No my GP doesn't check all my thyroid levels. I have no symptoms at present and have a yearly blood test so the basic ones are all I need.

It's when people are struggling Jadej that the doctor should do more than TSH and T4. They are following guidelines which may keep the patients unwell and looking for answers but they still stick to the guidelines which is usually TSH and T4 only.


Some members have had a private test from recommended labs but I do know that might be not suitable for others as they have to pay for the tests.

I think this is most puzzling for us in that we feel awful yet GP says ' no there's nothing wrong as you're in normal range'. That means nothing to us and the fact that they don't know the TSH should be around 1 informs us that they aren't too well educated in treating us. It is an upward struggle.

JadeJ profile image
JadeJ in reply to shaws

It Is indeed. I'm glad you're feeling well. I've had so much going on with this large cyst, constant heavy bleeding etc that in the last five days I stopped bleeding and I feel like my energy levels have plummeted! maybe dye to the effects the constant bleeding has had on my body!?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to JadeJ

You are exhausted and we're left to get on with it in anyway we can.

If you get a print-out of your blood results tomorrow put them on a fresh page as this one will be lost. You will also get more comments.

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