Hi everyone, can anyone help me? A couple of years ago I spent quite some time experimenting with T4 & T3 combinations until I found the dose that worked best for me which was 75mcg levothyroxine & 18.75mcg T3 (in 2 doses). I didn't recover 100% but it was the nearest to it . I had come a very long way compared to the way I was & was happy that finally I could lead a normal life. On this dose my results were:
TSH - 0.11 (0.3-5.0)
FREE T3 - 2.65 (1.5-4)
FREE T4 - 0.93 (0.8-2.0)
After a year on this dose I started getting symptoms again. Although nowhere near as bad as I was, a lot of the symptoms, in particular the fatigue, has returned even though I have continued taking the meds on the same dose. I had my blood tested a couple of weeks ago. Results were as follows:
TSH - 0.90 (0.3-5.0)
FREE T3 - 1.83 (1.5-4)
FREE T4 - 1.00 (0.8-2.0)
I know the changes are only slight but they are enough to cause me symptoms that are beginning to affect my life again. I really don't want to go through what I went through a few years back. I've found an endo in Cyprus who is willing to prescribe T3 for me but that's just about it. I'm not sure if he knows much about it. I took him the results & he suggested I increase T3 to 25mcg (taken in 2 doses) & keep levothyroxine as it is. I've been on this dose for a couple of weeks but there's no difference.
Please note that my vit D is within range - 52 (30-100) (I take supplements) & my iron & ferritin levels are fine.
Does anyone know why my T3 levels dropped even though I was on the same dose & doing fine? Also should I increase or decrease my dose of levothyroxine &/or increase T3? I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks : )