Hi. I've had thyroid issues now since I was 15 however doctor said I was borderline so no meds until 2.5 years ago when I was started on levo. I have a little boy who is nearly 3. I'm 39 years old and feel my life is just flashing before me with no energy and I'm missing out on doing so much with him because I'm just so drained all of the time.
Just since January I've put on over 3 stone and no changes to diet or anything I just can't seem to shift it I also quit smoking and should be feeling better also but get quite out of breath just going upstairs .
For the last two years I've gone to the doctor with a list as long as my arm of things effecting me so much and we have gone through my docs suggestion of blood tests ever 8 weeks due to my levels going from 7 to 19 then only ever dropping by a small amount. He told me he just doesn't understand how the levels keep going the way they are so upped my 50mg to 100 4 months ago however nothing has changed.
Made an appointment this week and explained no changes but they then said it was my anti depressant that was effecting things so we would look at that instead and reduced the amount I am taking.
I constantly get hot sweats with cold clammy skin. It's embarrassing. Headaches. Constipation or the runs. No in between. Aching joints. Extreme fatigue. Restless legs. Vision issues. Optician advised perfect eye sight. No issues.
The list goes on.
I know things aren't right with me. I can't function. Can't get my words out. Forget everything like you wouldn't believe. Suffer tears and anxiety I'm so frustrated.
What would your advice be?
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. Xx