I've been exhausted for years now, and it's really taking its toll. It affects everything I do. I have depression, which I'm assuming is a result of my hypothyroidism, pernicious anaemia and have suffered from very low vitamin D levels as I sleep the majority of the time so don't always see much sunlight. My joints and back hurt from lying down so much.
I've been receiving levothyroxine for half a year now, and haven't felt any benefits whatsoever. If anything, I'm putting on weight! (Maybe due to diet too)
I'm sick of this constant exhaustion and lack of answers by my GP. I can't function properly. I want to start exercising to try and feel more energetic but I can't even gently walk my dog without having to rest every 10-15 minutes.
My appetite is awful, as I'm constantly craving a quick energy release (contributing to weight gain), though when I'm home I'm lucky to receive a healthy home cooked meal. I can increasingly feel it taking its toll on my general wellbeing. I don't know what to do anymore, because I can't cope like this much longer.
There are 2 weeks until my next doctors appointment where I will request another blood test and answers, but I'm miserable so much as thinking about the next couple of weeks.
Please help. Any supplements you suggest... specific exercises... any advice please.