Hashimoto's, venous insufficiency and helicopte... - Thyroid UK

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Hashimoto's, venous insufficiency and helicopter pylori sufferer

4VRHLTHY profile image
29 Replies


I took a 7 day stint of amoxicillin, clarithromycin and proton pumpers back in May for helicopter pylori. It is back and was wondering if anybody has had success with mastic gum or matula tea. Thanks.

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4VRHLTHY profile image
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29 Replies
4VRHLTHY profile image

Thank you Sandy12. That really did cover some good points for me including the thyroid medication.

debstayalive profile image

Have you tried diatomaceous earth?

I mix a spoon in with my morning smoothie along with L glutamine ...

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to debstayalive

I tried it once and accidentally inhaled some. It's so fine that I didn't notice that I inhaled it until an hour later when I had a hard time breathing. I'm not going to mess with that....but thank you.

debstayalive profile image
debstayalive in reply to 4VRHLTHY

Oh gosh. .. yes I can't imagine it would be much use inhaled. .. have you looked into other natural symptomatic relief?

Low stomach acid can cause lots of gut health issues... maybe HCL supplement or some apple cider vinegar???

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to debstayalive

debstayalive , I had to order the diatomaceous earth and give it another try.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to 4VRHLTHY


I just sent for the L glutamine. Thanks.

mii101 profile image

I take Hcl and betaine before meals when I am out and drink 1-2 tablespoons of cider vinegar 'with the mother' before meals (with warm water and a straw) when at home. I am still not sure I cracked the dosage on the Hcl and betaine (if you google how to take Hcl and betaine you ll see what I mean since link does not copy here). However both have been working really well and managed to treat nasty reflux symptoms. I have hypothyroidism and I definitely have low stomach acid as most people I have read about in this forum.

This may sound completely crazy but I bought some sports protein shakes and used these to replace 1 meal a day for a week. Think it was lunch and it sorted my gut out big time. I took All sorts for it previously and nothing worked properly. It is full of different vitamins though so maybe its one of those that helped. I then went low carb for the week after. Ate a lot of fruit and vegetables watermelon, melons, apples, plums, peaches, tomatos, lettuce, mushrooms, cucumber ect.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to


It would be nice to have a shake. What brand shake worked for you?

in reply to 4VRHLTHY

Sorry only just seen this. I used one called Diet fuel and also bought a shaker cup, its yummy and fills you up unlike others. Its quite expensive but one tub lasts ages. It's a workout shake or diet shake. You can mix with water or skimmed milk, milk alternatives. I didn't use it to lose weight just to get rid of some bloat and pain as my stomach is swollen a lot. I take it for a week once a month and it helps.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to

Sounds good but they won't deliver to the US. I picked up some Jarrow Plant Proteins. It doesn't have all of the good stuff yours does. I don't know why they won't ship because It's Amazon.

in reply to 4VRHLTHY

Oh sorry what a pain. Wonder if You could get a US made one that would be just as good. Ebay may be worth a try.

in reply to 4VRHLTHY

There's a few if you search for protein shakes. There is one called Lean Body which says it contains 24 vitamins and minerals.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to


It sounded really good until I got to the contains milk and soy. It's all right. I'm just trying to avoid cooking allllll thee tiiime. Thanks anyway.

whispers60 profile image

probiotics also help with the battle against hpylori, have a look art the one I prefer which is called symprove, it has a pre biotic in it too and because its not a food ( as in yoghurts and milks with probiotics added) it sticks around in the gut longer as it doesn't kick the digestive system into working order as quickly as the food ones do. Good luck with your battle, my battle is getting the doctor to re test after I had hpylori 5 years ago :-(

Jose651 profile image


Last year I eradicated H pylori with A month long program of Mastic Gum, Oregano Oil Capsules, and Apple Cider Vinegar.

I wrote a post with the brands I used and I was well pleased when the breath test came back negative.

I will avoid antibiotics when I can especially when the triple therapy for HP failed the 1 st time for me as well.

Hope this helps,

J 🍀

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to Jose651

Hi Jose651,

I'm gonna take antibiotics again. I just hope they give me different ones this time. I'll just take a lot of probiotics this time. I have an aunt and an uncle with stomach cancer and one aunt just died 4 yrs ago from stomach cancer---so I can't mess around.

Jose651 profile image
Jose651 in reply to 4VRHLTHY

I can't blame you for that 4VRHLTHY. You can ask for different ones or there is a therapy that has 3 antibiotics and a PPI.

If you google HP and NHS treatment you will get all the info.

Hope it works for you this time around.

J 🍀

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to Jose651

Hi Josie651,

I've read that what you're taking doesn't work for everybody. And I ended up on a website that's very anti antibiotics. They're saying colloidal silver is the answer. So you know what I'm going to try next.

Sorry but just noticed you are experiencing Helicopter problems and not Helicobactor LOL. Forgive me but I am well known for my daft sense of humour. I had H Pylori eradicated like you with anti biotics last September. I had a stomach ulcer diagnosed at the same time when I had an Endoscopy. I would suggest you get the antibiotic eradication treatment again. Take the PPi's for a couple of weeks after breath test negative (hopefully) results are back. After that take pre and pro biotics for the good bacteria. I treated myself with the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ( with the mother protein in it). Betaine shouldn't be used if there is an ulcer present. I mixed 1 tablespoon with half a cup of water and sipped it through a straw up to 3 times a day. I took it during my meals especially when eating meat. Those issues have subsided now but I still use the vinegar occasionally because it highers your stomach acid back up. It's great for other things too. x

MiniMum97 profile image

That made me giggle....it's helicobacter, not helicopter. Methinks autocorrect has struck again! Have images of little pyloris whizzing about a stomach in mini helicopters!

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to MiniMum97


Bluemaxx profile image

Hi - sorry about the late reply but both my husband and I had/have h pylori. He got rid of his by taking a course of something called Paraguard which is a combination of different herbs plus teaspoon of coconut oil every day. Previous to that he had awful stomach complaint which resulted in diarrhoea and really loud grumbling noises when he ate certain foods. This has completed cleared up now after five years.

I am pretty sure I still have h pylori as I didn't finish the Paraguard course so I am going to try it again and also thinking about the mastic gum.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to Bluemaxx

Thanks Bluemaxx

I'll read about it.

4VRHLTHY profile image
4VRHLTHY in reply to Bluemaxx


I couldn't find the Paraguard online. Could it have a different spelling?

Bluemaxx profile image
Bluemaxx in reply to 4VRHLTHY

Hi - I am looking at the bottle right now - it says Tyler Para-gard (oops just realised the spelling is different!) with Goldenseal, Berberine & Garlic. It also says "Evidence-based Ingegrative Therapeutics". I just noticed that they sell it on Amazon. I am going to get some more too. The truth is that my husband took it religiously and I didn't as it was a couple of years ago and I was not as well informed about these issues then. The combination of a course of Para-gard (one bottle of 120 tablets - 3 tablets a day until the bottle is finished) and a teaspoon of coconut oil daily forever! As I said it really worked for my husband and it cleared up his five years of hell of having a 'dicky' tummy! I am now thinking that my h pylori contributed to my hashimotos although I think I have had a sluggish thyroid all my life.

I 'd love to know how you get on with it if you decide to try.

Are you going to try take any probiotics after that course of antibiotics you took? Might be a good idea if you don't mind me saying.

Bluemaxx profile image
Bluemaxx in reply to 4VRHLTHY

Sorry should have also added that both my husband and I tested positive for h pylori about three years ago which was why the nutritionist gave us the Para-gard in the first place.

4VRHLTHY profile image


Let me know if Tyler para-gard works. Because the 2016 review said that they changed the formula .

4VRHLTHY profile image

Hi ,

After taking my antibiotics three months later I got my symptoms back. I took mastic gum 1000mg and DGL1500mg twice a day and a 24 sprays of a good brand of colloidal silver twice a day for two weeks. And I just tested negative for h. Pylori. Yeah

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