I recently started taking Nutri Adrenal Extra (1 tablet) and my sleep has gotten worse. Today my temperature lowered, I felt a little sick upon waking and had brain fog. I have now stopped taking it. Is this normal or does it sound like I'm not suited to this adrenal support?
Adrenal Support: I recently started taking Nutri... - Thyroid UK
Adrenal Support

I could not take the NAX, but have you tried the simple Nutri Adrenal? I found that helped me a lot. I started wit a half a tablet and gradually over about three months increased by half a tablet each couple of weeks and I felt much more able to cope and my palpitations and anxiety were much more under control.
I think the extra stuff in the Extra just does not agree with me.
I have been taking NA now for about two years, at one point I was taking 4 a day (2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch) but now I find 1 is enough.
Marie xx
I couldn’t tolerate NAX either. Some do better on Nutri Adrenal which is half the strength.
I do (slightly) better on adrenal cortex which unlike the whole adrenal gland doesn't contain the adrenaline.
I have also tried Dr Wilsons Adrenal Rebuilder which is mix of glandulars (Gonad, Adrenal Cortex, Hypothalamus, Anterior Pituitary) but after initially doing well on half a tablet, I got the usual head rushes//whooshes and spacey feelings back after trying to raise.. These are 8 times stronger than NA and this is reflected in the price.
Thanks for the info JC. I wanted a supplement that could help to repair my adrenals. I did take 1 x Swanson Raw Adrenal Glandular and noticed this affected my sleep. I was only sleeping for 5 hours and kept waking up around 4am. Is there somewhere I can read about the side effects of these supplements? I was wondering if they are capable of shutting down our adrenals even in small doses? Thanks again.
Swanson Raw Adrenal Glandular consists of the whole adrenal gland and so contains adrenaline. That may have been what was waking you at night. The whole- gland suits some but for others can not be tolerated. I think it's the degree of our adrenal ill-health that denotes what is & isn't tolerable. The whole gland can be troublesome for those with low cortisol because they are already running on adrenaline...
Your adrenals are divided into two parts: outer glands (adrenal cortex) and inner glands (adrenal medulla). Adrenal Cortex Extracts don’t contain the adrenaline found in the whole adrenal glandular. Dr Wilsons (in above post) & Thorne use only cortex.
All the suppliers maintain these glandulars are hormone free but they sure make a difference whatever is in them. Isabella Wentz says never to take adrenal glandulars at bedtime because the pituitary usually releases TSH to stimulate thyroid production at night. As there is a slight chance of glandulars turning off the bodies adrenal hormones, this would mean low thyroid hormones by pituitary loop inhibition.
Dr P says to take glandulars freely and for as long as is needed even if forever. Glandulars have a lot of mystical theories about them .... it just depends on what you read.
If you are worried about taking glandulars you could try adaptogens which are compounds known to help normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The feedback loop of the HPA axis is key in balancing adrenal hormones, and adaptogens can be beneficial in this healing process.