Does anybody know whether it's safe to have Juvederm facial injectable fillers with thyroid issue? I am considering to take the facial fillers for my wrinkles from any nearby clinic in Brampton like the med-aesthetics. If you had them done, could you please share your experience? Is Juvederm expensive and how long will it last? Were there any negative results due to the intake of antibodies?
Is it safe to have facial fillers with thyroid? - Thyroid UK
Is it safe to have facial fillers with thyroid?
Hi Rebecca145 - I have had fillers in the naso-labial lines, above my lips and on the corners of my lips three times now. The doctor (not a beautician!) who performed the injections (botox twice as well, forehead and smile lines) had given me facial acupuncture before and we had talked about her approach and my expectations extensively. She wanted me to be in general good health and not in an acute autoimmune flare up. I made sure inflammation was low. She left out the anaesthetic because according to her this is where a reaction might occur.
The results were very subtle, very nice. I have Hashimoto's.
The effects are accumulative, and I get top ups once a year.
Regarding the cost: I had this done in a small town in Germany, €400 for one ampoule of each. Here In Berlin the price more than doubles.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
I had juvaderm 5 about 4 years ago and it looked great. It lasted about 9 months but not been in a financial position to do it again. I had it in those lines either side of the nose and down to the mouth. It cost me £425 at a cosmetic surgery. I have hashimotos and didn't have any adverse effects.
I am hoping to get fillers next week but need to check if it’s ok to do so with the carbmiazole medication for an over active thyroid. Has anyone experience of fillers on this medication? With thanks
No experience here!
Be careful if you have any of the swelling that can occur in hyperthyroidism. This article explains more about the issues.
Hyaluronidase is an enzyme which breaks down hyaluronate - a constituent of the swelling which some hyperthyroid patients suffer.