I have actually read my blood tests results again and it says my TSH is <0.01.
My endocrine specialist said it could effect ovulation. So I researched this and found this
:' When the thyroid produces too much hormone, it can send the body into a state of over-activity, including high blood pressure, an increased appetite, and intolerance to heat and frequent sweating, as well as other side effects. When it comes to a woman's ovulation cycle, hyperthyroidism can cause irregular or even a complete lack of menstrual cycles [source: PubMed Health].'
So he was probably right if he had this in mind. Hopefully my thyroid will be a perfect level in 2 weeks time as I have been reducing the dose.
Is less than 0.01 considered as severe hyperthyroidism? Even though my TSH is increasing as I am reducing dose. My GP did call me to say these results are abnormal but she is happy that I am reducing dose to about 36 mcg a day so that should sort it.