03.02.16 meds 150mcg Levothyroxine daily
TSH 0.42mul/I [0.27 - 4.2]
FT4 19.8 pmol/l [12 - 22.0]
FT3 4.6pmol/l [3.1 - 6.8]
Hypothyroidism since April 2012 multiple symptoms despite being on 150mcg of Levothyroxine. I finally had an appointment with an Endo at my local hospital who agreed to trial me on Liothyronine. I was also told to stop the Levo which I did.
I felt much better just on the Liothyronine much brighter in myself more alert only needing a daytime nap maybe every now and agin and not all afternoon!! I was going back to the gym and keeping up with my husband on walks.
Since my last Endo appointment on 28/4/16 due to my latest bloods (please see below) she has reintroduced 50mcg of Levothyroxine daily as well as my Liothyronine.
22.04.16 meds 10mcg 3 times a day
TSH 6.11mul/I [0.27 - 4.2]
FT4 4.1 pmol/l [12 - 22.0]
FT3 2.4pmol/l [3.1 - 6.8]
I feel completely rubbish now having introduced the Levo and all my old symptoms have come back.
It's only been three weeks since the combo of both drugs. Do I keep going on taking the combo hoping that things will improve? I am not due for a review for 3 months by the Endo. If my T3 levels remain low the Endo has advised increasing Liothyronine to 20mcg 3 times a day along side the Levothyroxine
Thank you so much for your comments, help and advice I really do appreciate any help and information you can give. I just want to start feeling like me again.
T xx