I have half a thyroid and antibodies, recently got GP to increase levo dose from 100 to 125. She did this and asked for an immediate blood test which gave a result of 0.2. That was 6 weeks ago, blood test now shows TSH 0.05 with instruction to reduce dosage to 100 again and blood test in 8 weeks. My TSH has never tested this low, what is happening? Annoying cause I felt a bit better on 125 mcg of Levo.
Hypo - TSH dropping rapidly: I have half a... - Thyroid UK
Hypo - TSH dropping rapidly

The dose increase will have raised FT4 and FT3 which is why TSH dropped. Your GP is obviously reluctant for your TSH to be so low although some patients need low or suppressed TSH to have FT4 high enough to feel well. Read Treatment Options in thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_... Email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk if you would like a copy of the Pulse article to show your GP. Perhaps you could negotiate 100/125mcg alternate days.
I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.
I wish they wouldn't interfere just because of the TSH result. It backfires for many patients.
Why would they allow thyroid cancer patients to have a suppressed TSH and keep hypo patients at a higher dose for the patient by ignoring their symptoms.
Tell her you feel much better and are not going to reduce your dose. It's as easy as that. Even prescribing T3 for people who are frail strengthens their heart. This is an excerpt from the following link:
And ". . . caused strokes"? If anything, the use of T3 may help prevent strokes. I scanned MEDLINE for studies on "T3" and "strokes" published between 1966 and 1997. These key words were mentioned in 43 publications. Most publications reported the beneficial effects of T3 on cardiovascular function. The word "stroke" was most often used in regard to the "stroke work in cardiac contractility" (a physiological description)—not in the sense of cerebrovascular accidents (strokes). I'll mention just a few representative publications. These suggest that it is urgent for the physician you mention—for his patients' welfare—to quickly update his knowledge.
In one study, a researcher found that T3 levels were significantly lower in 42 of 65 stroke patients. [Liang, D.S.: Stroke and thyroid hormones. Chinese Journal of Neurology & Psychiatry, 24(6):352-354, 384, Dec., 1991] It is certainly possible that the low levels of T3 were partly responsible for the strokes. It is well-known that low thyroid hormone levels result in high blood fat levels, and high blood fat levels predispose patients to heart attacks and strokes. By lowering blood fat levels, the use of T3 is likely to help prevent, rather than cause, strokes in some of the above-mentioned physician's patients.
The use of T3 is even beneficial in patients with the most frail heart conditions. Researchers in one study reported, "Triiodothyronine [T3] administration in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery is safe, may lessen the need for pharmacological (vasodilator) therapy, but may increase heart rate." [Vavouranakis, I., et al.: Triiodothyronine administration in coronary artery bypass surgery: effect on hemodynamics. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 35(5):383-389, Oct., 1994]
Go to the date December 24, 1997 to read the whole q/a.
Has your Free T3 been tested?
When I had half my thyroid removed in 2001 the consultant told me, at some stage it would packup completely. How will I know when that has happened, what will TSH test show?
The TSH will rise too high but are you on levothyroxine, which is recommended if you have antibodies but TSH is 'normal range'.
yes on 100, pursuaded doctor to increase to 125 but with currnet blood test results, gone back to 100. I just wondered how low the TSH score can go.
Most feel well when TSH is around 1 or lower but some need it suppressed. It's how the patient feels which is the priority. and they shouldn't adjust dose according to the TSH. Some Endos mistakenly think that if it's low it will cause heart attack etc.
Patients who have had thyroid cancer always get their TSH suppressed but it doesn't cause them 'other problems'.