My levothyroxine 100mcg has been changed to liothyronine 20mcg is this the same dose
Not sure: My levothyroxine 100mcg has been... - Thyroid UK
Not sure

Why were your meds changed? Some more info would be helpful.
When I was given 20 mcg of T3 by an endo, I only was reduced from 100mcg T4 to 75mcg T4 to go with it. To cut from 100mcg of T4 to just 20mcg T3 seems a rather drastic cut to me. I now take 55mcg T3 only which is perfect for me most of the time.
My thoughts on exactly.
And being super-cynical (I just can't help it), it feels a little as though Blair is being set up to fail on liothyronine. Blair's doctor would seem to be prescribing a dose that almost certainly won't work, so that he can say, "Well clearly liothyronine made you worse, so let's put you back on levo."
Shouldn't have these cynical thoughts. Think it might be a hypo side-effect.
Doctors often set people up to fail by offering T3 instead of levo. Its not a substitute its a fail. You need to take T4 as well.
Lots of people take t3 alone very successfully. However, Blairs dose looks to be too little. I would have thought it would be sensible to try a combo first. Reducing t4 a bit and adding 20mcg of t3. If it was then decided that t3 alone would be better for you, it should probably be better to try 20mcg t3 twice a day. BUT, I am most certainly not a doctor. Can you go back and speak to your doctor?
I was told to take 50mcg of Levo with 20mcg of Liothyronine to equate to my previous dose of 100mcg Levo. Sounds as though cost might be a factor in the dose you are being given?