Stomach pain?: Anyone out there get high stomach... - Thyroid UK

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Stomach pain?

Nanny23 profile image
25 Replies

Anyone out there get high stomach pain in theorning with nausea? I wake up with that everyday? Have hypo thyroid. This is a fairly new problem with nausea but have lousy stomach all my life. Seems to be getting worse. 

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Nanny23 profile image
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25 Replies
shaws profile image

I'm sorry you are having a very unpleasant symptom.

When we are hypothyroid many of us develop low acid in our stomachs. Due to this we don't digest protein in the normal way and that can, in turn, cause other problems.

I take Betaine/pepsin tablets when I have protein meals and at other times take Apple Cider Vinegar in water or juice (a few teaspoons). I have read tablespoons but that would be too strong for me.

The gut and problems are interconnected. When we complain and because the symptoms of high and low are so similar doctors prescribe antacids. They are unaware that if patient is hypo low acid is the probable cause.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to shaws

Thanks have betaine with pepsin but don't take with every meal. Maybe I need to. Don't eat gluten but hasn't helped. Just found out I have allergy to cows milk so have to cut milk and dairy ou. I love dairy but will have to cut it from my diet. THANKYOU so much for replying. 

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Nanny23

You dont need to have it with every meal - but with protein.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to shaws

Oh ok thanks so much. 

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Nanny23

If your stomach feels out of sorts I've found Apple Cider vinegar in water/juice sorts it out. I use organic ACV.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to shaws

Thanks Shaws will try it

Clutter profile image


If you've had stomach problems all your life you may have intolerance or sensitivity to gluten.  Has your GP ever done a coeliac screen to test for gluten-intolerance?

The other possibility is low stomach acid causing poor digestion.  Taking Betaine Pepsin or raw apple cider vinegar before meals will raise stomach acid and improve digestion.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Clutter

Thanks clutter. Was tested for coelic don't have it. On gluten free diet for about a month now. Hasn't helped my stomach but lost 10 pounds. I have betaine with pepsin don't take every meal. Maybe I need to. Thanks for replying. 

decembersignup profile image
decembersignup in reply to Clutter

Another possibility is that your gut flora is awful and needs to be replenished with good, by using prebiotics andbiotics over a period of time. IBS is this. People say oh dear I have ibs when by treating it with biotics and prebiotics it disappears. I had bad stomaches and nausea for a while too.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to decembersignup

Hi I thought that might be a probl too. Eat yogurt everyday and take probiotics. Still my stomach issues prevail. Thanks so much for responding.  

decembersignup profile image

its not that simple though. most yoghurt is heat treated to kill the biotics in it and then they sometiems add some at the end, in powder form, so you get very little out of yoghut if any at all, and if it has sugar in it its unhealthy. far beter to take biotics with prebiotics - which are better in food form - and it does work but it takes time

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to decembersignup

What are probiotics?

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Nanny23

Not pro pre?

decembersignup profile image

prebiotics give food to the biotics so they multiply and flourish - things like chicory or inuline, onion, so I take my biotics when I eat things like that - that way each biotic you take has more chance of muliplying and helping.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to decembersignup

Is probiotics a pill like probiotics? How do you take it. Sounds like a good plan. Thanks so much

decembersignup profile image

Yes. The best ones have a lot of diferent types of probiotics in them, not just one or two. Dr Mercola, there is another one which is cheaper by swanson which is just as good, virtually the same formula, dr ohira is good but expensive and not sure it is worth so much, but if you take a prebiotic - which you can buy - but food which is a prebiotic such as onion or chicory with it - it works far better.  Just take it when it suits you, no need to worry about morning or night, but best with those right foods. Have you been taking antibiotics recently?  Mine went wrong when the doctor kept giving me those -  they wipe out all of your bacteria - the good and the bad - then you need to replace them for your gut flora to be ok. imagine that you spray weedkiller all over your garden, you would kill the weeds but also the flowers, you then need to replace the murdered flowers to have a good garden!

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to decembersignup

Good analogy I understand. No have not taken any antibiotics in a long time. Just have constant bloating gas and stomach pain. Wake up every morning nauseous. You are so kind to help me like this. Really appreciate it. 

decembersignup profile image

You are very welcome. Knowledge is power it is selfish not to share it and help. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to.

Ruthi profile image

When you say high stomach pain do you mean in the middle, just below the bra? Stomach pain with nausea can also be gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) which will probably worsen with betaine or acid. Diagnosis is usually via endoscopy.

I have gastritis due to NSAID use(prescribed, of course!) when I broke my leg. Have recently come across the suggestion that some stuff called Zinc Carnosine is very effective. It is apparently the first line of treatment in Japan. Mine should arrive today, so I will report back in a couple of months!

Doctors will offer you acid suppressant treatment, which brings all sorts of other problems. I have been controlling it reasonably successfully with diet, but recently had a nasty flare so its time to try something different.

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Ruthi

Thanks for the info much appreciated

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Ruthi

How did zinc carnosine work for you? Going for endoscopy and colonoscopy soon. Still having stomach pain and nausea unfortunately. 

Ruthi profile image

So far,  so good,  Nanny.  But it's only been ten days ish,  so I haven't tested with pepper or betaine.  I'll do that when I get to the end of the pot. 

Take my advice, even though the sedation tends to leave you feeling blah for a few days,  accept it,  ask for it even.  It's really no fun at all,  and my sigmoidoscopy was the most painful thing ever.  Far worse than broken bones or even labour!  

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Ruthi

Really? Had colon Oscoda before and no problem only 3 polyps removed. Just ordered zinc carnosine as I reread your earlier response. At point will try anything lol. I hope it helps nothing has so far. Went gluten and dairy free no difference in stomach pain and nausea. Lost 12 pounds though so that's a plus. Also raised synthroid.Live from 25 to 50 mcg. Got rid of my severe leg cramps so needed more thyroid hormone. But stubborn stomach issues still persist unfortunately . Thanks so much for your quick reply Ruthi.

Ruthi profile image

Did you give up all grains,  or just gluten?  Going GF helped with my IBS but all the other grains,  especially when ground into flour all give me heartburn and don't do my gastritis any good. So I tend to avoid them.  

There's a gastritis group on FB but they don't seem to have any answers.  It's a good place to go and winge though!  

Nanny23 profile image
Nanny23 in reply to Ruthi

I gave up all grains. Thanks for your response. Just don't know what else to do

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