Low stomach acid?: So for the past 5 months I've... - Thyroid UK

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Low stomach acid?

lindsey1987 profile image
43 Replies

So for the past 5 months I've had no appetite,lost weight,acid reflux,heartburn,ulcers,fatigue,vitamin/mineral deficiencies,discomfort and nausea after eating anyone had low stomach acid and had these symptoms if so how did you cure

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lindsey1987 profile image
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43 Replies
galathea profile image

Yes, absolutely ... Cured by taking betaine hcl after meals. Lamberts brand, with pepsin from amazon does it for me but there are loads of other brands.

Worth you doing the bicarb of soda test first thing one morning though, just to be sure. Follow links here for how to do it.....


X. G

rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to galathea

Did not see how to do the test.

Really good post. So many people are being treated for to much acid. When in fact, they have low acid. One thing I notice is I always want a sherbet popsicle after eating. It seems to help my stomach. Strange. Right?

Rubyxx 😊

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to rubyred777

You never followed the link given in the article then..... The paragraph marked how to test..... No worries. Heres how to do it....



in reply to galathea

Second that! It helped me enormously.

lindsey1987 profile image
lindsey1987 in reply to galathea

How long did it take before you noticed a difference in taking them? I just bought.some today and took one but.don't really notice a difference yet

Josiesmum profile image

This video is an eye-opener and shows the mechanism by which H.Pylori causes low stomach acid and thyroid disease: youtu.be/2hLm29buyX0

This doc also suggests digestive enzymes but says go easy if you may have stomach ulcers. Curcumin also supposed to be effective but should be supplemented with probiotics and may cause bloating during die-off.

saffiepurple profile image

Lindsey I have Hashimotos and six months ago had terrible acid reflux and burning sensation in stomach after eating.

My endocrinologist suggested I follow a gluten free diet which has helped but I also drank a lot of coconut water between meals. This is very soothing and I no longer have that burning and only get acid reflux if I have eaten something really fatty.

It took two months of drinking the coconut water before I started to notice a difference but it definitely works. Now I keep a small carton in the fridge and just use it when necessary.

This is an expensive drink but it is purely natural and has no additives colours etc. Try taking a small glass after every meal and gradually build it up, you will notice a difference.

Brubru profile image
Brubru in reply to saffiepurple

I found at Aldi for 1,99 a litre. Meant to post here and forgot of that nice brand vita coco! My fav

saffiepurple profile image
saffiepurple in reply to Brubru

Thanks I will go and get some

Mandiejj profile image


I suffer with all the above and have been taking Omeprazole 80mg daily for 8 months now which is helping with reflux ect. Some foods still affect me so I am learning. If I come off them, within a day or two symptoms return

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to Mandiejj

The symptoms are very similar for too much and too little acid. Omeprazole are only supposed to be taken for 3 months max but doctors seem to put people on them and just leave it there. HCL would be worth trying as it is more natural . I get reflux and take Betaine Hydrochloride and it works a treat.

You could also try Organic Cider Vinegar. 1 teaspoon in a glass of water before or after meals. It can be quite sour to drink but it does help.

Jo xx

Chrys profile image
Chrys in reply to Mandiejj

The problem with Omeprazole is that, while it suppresses the symptoms, it is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), which is designed to reduce the production of hydrochloric stomach acid by the proton pumps in the stomach lining. We all need this acid production to digest our food, and as we get older these pumps become less effective, so why would you want to add to their problems?

My wife was put on Omeprazole two or three years ago due to acid reflux, but since deterioration in her hypothroidism earlier this year,now determined as Hashimoto's, she came off all PPI's and now takes regular doses of Betaine HCL + Pepsin with each meal.

She has never had acid reflux since she started on it! Also her general gastric condition is vastly improved.

I commend reading this link:


_tracy_ profile image
_tracy_ in reply to Mandiejj

Taking a PPI like Omeprazole for a long time can deplete your B12. This is because stomach acid is needed along with intrinsic factor (made by the stomach lining) to extract B12 from food. If you don't have stomach acid, intrinsic factor can't do its work. Your liver stores B12, about 3 - 5 years' worth. Older people don't produce as much stomach acid (natural effect of aging) so may not have as much in reserve.

A B12 deficiency can cause serious neurological problems, you definitely don't want that to happen.

Hi, This almost mirrors some of my issues apart from weight loss. I had a endoscopy in September which showed Helicobactor Pylori,( eradication treatment and breath test showing negative to HP now, but it can return without proper care..Hindsight ) stomach ulcers and a scan showed gall stones..so I've been in a lot of pain. GP wants me to take P.P.i's to help with acid, no way .. I've read up on them and other antacids which I have used in the past and they appear to cause future problems. They help in short term but then more problems. So I have in the last 2 days been taking a few drops of bottled lemon juice (concentrated variety used on pancakes), + 1 teaspoon of organic cyder vinegar in cup of water (I don't do fluoride tap water) 3 times throughout day. I have just taken the teaspoon of vinegar if urgent. IT WORKS ! The stomach acid can be low which is as bad as being high. The vinegar and lemon help to bring the levels up.

Gluten free now on advice from forum, taking supplements also and I am feeling a lot better than I have done in years.The odd off day but compared to a couple of months ago, I feel like a new woman...

Hope this helps all the best to you.

ScleroK profile image
ScleroK in reply to

Can you tell me what supplements you take, please.

in reply to ScleroK


I take Pro- biotics/ Easy Fibre pre- biotic Fos/ Vitamin C/ Vit E

B complex/Omega 3,6,9 (all in one). These I get from Healthspan Guernsey. Also Zinc/Selenium/ B12/ ADCAL-D3 ( on prescription from doctor). Also Magnesium ( don't make my mistake and buy the one with Oxide in...it's rubbish, am about to but Magnesium with Malate.

If your B12 is low this can be given by your GP. Phew...

It seems like a lot and it is all beginning to add up, but I am feeling the benefits. There are probably tons of other supplements I need but rattling already. I was pleased the lemon and Cyder vinegar work because that is cheap as chips before they got expensive LOL x

ScleroK profile image
ScleroK in reply to

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I am in Australia and may not be able to get the same stuff and don't think my Dr would know anything about what your Dr prescribed for you. Alternative medicines are not well considered here yet and Drs only give you pharmaceutical scripts.

Thanks again.

in reply to ScleroK

Hi Sclerok, The Healthspan and Holland & Barrett products I have bought online. It's only the ADCAL-D3 (which is just calcium+vit D) are the only supplements I get from the Doctor,sorry I didn't write that very clear some people get vitamin B12 injections from their Doctor if they are very low in that. Everything that I have listed after the Zinc is from Holland & Barrett. I'm also trying their Aloe Vera High strength juice twice a day-it tastes vile yukkkkk!! (I think of England when I drink it, you could think of Australia lol, it can be added to something more tasty I think) but it does calm the stomach down.

I hope you start to feel much better soon, with advice on this forum I went Gluten Free it's only been a few weeks since I started my ' Be kind to myself regime), but I am really feeling the benefits. I have had Thyroid issues for years and sadly have only been having 25mcg of Thyroxine for the last 5 years...it's been too low. I didn't even know that I had Hashi's until recently when I insisted on a more thorough test. Should have been having higher dose Thyroxine and been Gluten Free all this time. This I believe is why I have had a lot of different illnesses over the years( neglect) ...but the Gut system has probably suffered the most.(H.Pylori/stomach ulcers/gall stones). I'm feeling more energetic and clear minded and in the mood to challenge my Doctors over my treatment. May change my name to 'ROCKY'.

Take care x

Janee profile image

There is a simple home test for low stomach acid. Can't remember exact proportions but i got it off the internet so you should be able to look it up. When you have eaten and are having a bloating/indigestion attack drink a strong mixture of fresh lemon juice and water. If the attack gets worse drink more water or milk as this means you have high acid. However, if the attack gets better within 5 minutes it is more than likely you have low stomach acid. Drinking a mixture of water with a teaspoon of apple cidar vinegar or fresh lemon juice with every meal should then resolve problem. It worked a treat for my husband. After years of being prescribed antiacids by doctors he now never suffers with bloating and pain after every meal. Do not do this test if you have a stomach ulcer. Good luck.

galathea profile image
galathea in reply to Janee

scdlifestyle.com/2012/03/3-... Here is how to test....

Xx g

sulamaye profile image

drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water and monitor burping for next 15 mins. If you don't burp or barely burp u have low stomach acid and need to take hcl with meals. If you burp plenty then it's not low acid.

Nikki28 profile image

I was on esomeprazole for over 7 years following treatment for H Pylori. I has the scope down and everything was fine....no inflammation or ulcers. Just over a year ago I was diagnosed as having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Long story short I went onto a natural treatment for my hypothyroidism over 6 months ago and haven't needed the esomeprazole since. I assume that my initial diagnosis was incorrect and that I had low stomach and that my thyroid meds increase my metabolism and stomacjpha did production. I did have apple cider vinegar at the ready but haven't needed it. I hope you get sorted soon as it can be very debilitating. X

Nikki28 profile image
Nikki28 in reply to Nikki28

*stomach acid production......sorry!

Rachel_81 profile image


I suffered from nausea and indigestion for years (with food or without food in my stomach), even though on a strict gluten-free diet for 7 years.

I also suffered from terrible constipation, extreemly light periods, anemia, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, itchy skin, and so on. Once went 3 weeks 100% constipated (sorry if TMI), for over 3 years I had to use Dulcolax (tried everything else) once a week for relief, I'd have to stay at home as I had to take a large ammount to even go and then results were unpredictable and painful.

My endocrinologist prescribed me Levothyroxine (Eutirox) and started feeling so much better, constipation resolved. Unfortunately my daily nausea (and some other symptoms, including headaches) didn't improve.

I have now been prescribed Liothyronine (T3, Cynomel, Cytomel), in addition to the Eutirox, and mind that it's only been for a week and it's early days but my nausea and headaches have disappeared! I feel better than I have in 15 years.

BTW I am on 112mcg Eutirox and 25 mcg Cynomel. I take Eutirox on an empty stomach in the morning, and half a pill of Cynomel, just before lunch I take the other 1\2 pill, this seems to keep my energy pretty even. My TSH is suppressed and my T4 is at the top of the range, T3 is just over range, but endo is considering range and symptoms for dosing (lucky me!).

I hope you find a solution soon, nausea is so horrible.

Good luck!

puffyface profile image

The cure for me was apple cider vinegar. I have been taking omazerepole (not sure of spelling) for years and the symptoms were getting worse. I had it all day....even when not eating and I had it all night (and would sit up in my sleep). About 2 weeks ago it got so bad that I didn't know what to do any more. Even my GP told me to stick with the medication. I came onto this website and read about apple cider vinegar. I buy a good quality organic vinegar and take a teaspoon in some warm water with some honey to sweeten before bed and in the morning. It has worked miracles. Please give it a try.

in reply to puffyface

Hi puffyface,

I was on those meds and the GP wants me back on them.. he can go run. I've realised that they cause more harm than good. Other name for them is Proton Pump inhibitors ...bad guys for short. I too am amazed at how effective Cyder Vinegar is..miracle in a bottle.

Polaris profile image

Low stomach acid is one of the causes of B12 deficiency, so it's essential that you get your B12 tested Lindsey and research this as much as possible, as very few doctors have read the latest research or guidelines and the tests are unreliable.

Many researchers believe leaky gut or intestinal permeability is the ground zero for autoimmune disease. I had stomach problems for years - gastritis, heartburn, h/pylori, gall bladder pain, IBS, etc. After researching, I realised I was deficient - probably from the meds I was on, which deplete B12. Four of us in the family have Hashimoto's thyroid disease, another autoimmune disease often linked with PA/B12 deficiency and another in the family has severe B12 deficiency

I eventually found huge relief by avoiding gluten, taking Swedish Bitters for IBS; Cider Vinegar for gall bladder symptoms, reflux, heartburn, and now just sauerkraut for gastritis & H/pylori (more good bacteria than any probiotic). Hopefully, all of this is healing the villi in my stomach wall and helping absorption of B12.

Here are some more links you may not have seen:



lindsey1987 profile image
lindsey1987 in reply to Polaris

Just had my b12 tested it was 736 which Is pretty good suprisingly

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to lindsey1987

Extracts from the book, 'Could it be B12?' By Sally Pacholok & Dr J. Stuart :

"deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebral spinal fluid below 550 pg/ml."

"For brain and nervous system health and prevention of disease in older adults, serum B12 levels should be maintained near or above 1000 pg/ml."

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to Polaris

Thank-you Polaris, please can you tell me how to find the link to this brilliant video you have posted? This am GP casually told me she thinks I have B12 deficiency, having watched this I'm sure I do and think my vegan daughters do also. Must get them to go for testing asap.

I think you've just saved me from something hideous, and my girls too.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to thyr01d

You'll find lots of information on the HU Pernicious Anaemia site here.

If you are vegan and have thyroid disease, you are already in two high risk groups for B12 deficiency and it's good that your GP has recognised this, as very few do.

To get the link, go to the top right hand of the video and mail it to yourself. It's also on the excellent B12 deficiency site (already given above) left hand side under 'films'.


cmim.org/pdf2014/funcion.ph... :

Latest BMJ research document with useful summary.

Very best wishes for you and your daughters

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to Polaris

Thanks again Polaris, I am close to tears partly from relief at what I've so nearly ended up like, because for years my symptoms (dizziness, poor memory, falling, weakness, tiredness etc) have been put down to ME and partly in sorrow at the damage that already seems to have been done to my brain. This could have been found 20 years ago.

I can't put into words how grateful I am to you, I had no idea B12 deficiency was anything so serious and assumed there would be early warning signs.

I'm sending you waves and waves of gratitude and though we'll never meet you'll be special to me. If there's a heaven, God must already have a place ready for you.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to thyr01d

I'm in tears now after your lovely message, which came at a time when I felt down and as though I've been banging my head against a wall since last year with my vegetarian sister's doctor (also misdiagnosed for years with ME) - bless you!

Polaris profile image

If you have neurological symptoms or have been supplementing, the tests are not a reliable indicator.

Cmim/BMJ research document. " Summary:

* Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common but serious condition

* Clinical presentation may not be obvious thus leading to complex issues around diagnosis and treatment.

* There is no ideal test to define deficiency and therefore the clinical condition of the patient is of utmost importance."

* There is evidence that new techniques, such as measurement of holotranscobalamin and methylmalonic acid levels seem useful in more accurately defining deficiency.

* If clinical features suggest deficiency, then it is important to treat patients to avoid neurological impairment even if there may be discordance between test results and clinical features.

**It is important to recognise that clinical features of deficiency can manifest without anaemia and also without low serum vitamin B12 levels. In these cases, treatment should still be given without delay."

Suzyjul profile image

I drink 2 tsps of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar every morning. I have not taken any mess for acid reflux in six months. It is amazing. Hope it works for you. Make sure you get the apple cider vinegar that has "the mother". Good luck!

morna666 profile image


kizziemaria profile image

I did suffer with all the above and could not raise ferritin but since taking betaine with pepsin i have had none of the above issues for over a year

faith63 profile image

low stomach acid is caused by hypothyroidism and gut issues cause autoimmune disease, according to functional medicine. How do you know its low? Mine was high, due to gastritis. It got better, at a better thyroid med dose. And is improving more on my gut repair program,

lindsey1987 profile image

Galetha-how long after taking the HCl did you notice a improvement? Was it right away or take days or weeks or what? I got some and took one not noticing any change yet

I have similar problems and gluten intolerance, sulfite and dairy too. Gut problems if I eat any of these things by mistake. Low acid comes now and then too and I take a couple of tbsps. of organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar, if symptoms come. Then drink water after a few minutes. Works every time to get rid of heartburn and acid reflux. Eating too many carbs. will sometimes bring it on so cutting back might help. I'm a firm believer in taking a good multi-vitamin. Gives me energy!! Have a sunny day. 😊

BadHare profile image

Hi Lindsey,

Try apple cider vinegar, the cloudy type is best.

This is also a good read: my.chriskresser.com/wp-cont...


SarahB09 profile image

I have had issues with this for years and was on omeprazole for years with the Drs just happy to repeat prescribe. After having gall bladder removed (loads of connections with omeprazole) and being diagnosed with hypothyroidism I researched and found omeprazole (ppi's) are most likely a cause of more problems I started reducing my dose but I couldn't go more than 3 days without medication. To test me for h pylori I needed to be off meds for 2 weeks. I then read about taking apple cider vinegar so I tried this 5 weeks ago and I've not taken omeprazole since!! So I would honestly swear by it now. Good luck

Rachel_81 profile image


I am amazed with your success with apple cider vinegar!

:D although my digestion seems pretty great, it doesn't hurt to learn more, you never know when things might regress back to chronic nausea.

Can anyone help me understand how it works?

Is it the increased acidity level that helps kill off H Pylori?

Is it probiotics in the vinegar? If you take it on an empty stomach doesn't that affect your medication absorption?

Thanks! :)

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