Hello folks,
I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in May of last year. I am now on 175mcg of Levo and my latest blood results are as follows -
TSH 0.01 (Range 0.3 - 5), FT4 15.8 (Range 9-21) , TT3 1.6 (0.9-2.5) (Lab won't test for Free T3)
I am still feeling terrible, exhausted and depressed. Having looked into it (and having checked vitamin levels and adrenal glands) I have decided I should try taking T3 (along with my T4 to begin with to see how that goes).
Short version: I am going to start taking 12.5mcg of T3 (in 2 divided doses), but I don't know whether to drop my T4 by 50mcg or leave it as it is. What do you guys think?
Also, any advice on when to take doses? I take my Levo in the morning. (I know to keep T4/T3 away from calcium supplements.) Do people find they get symptoms between doses? Does taking it at night interfere with sleep?
More information for those who want to read it!
I was seeing an endrocrinologist but he wouldn't prescribe T3. I have been referred to another endrocrinologist who will hopefully prescribe T3 (I got a recommendation for them on here), however, it could be months before I see them and I decided I can't wait that long feeling like this.
So, I bought T3 from Uni-pharma and want to start using it as soon as possible, but I am not quite sure what to do about dosing along with my Levo. I am going to add 12.5mcg of T3 (in 2 divided doses), but I don't know whether to drop my T4 by 50mcg or leave it as it is.
In a previous post one person recommended dropping the T4 and one recommended leaving it as it is (as my blood T4 levels are not that high) so I was hoping to find out what a few more people think to help me make a decision.
If I drop the T4 and feel better then I will know it is the result of taking T3 rather than T4 and not just the result of increasing my dose of medication overall, and I can go to the new endo and say this. Also, I am a bit worried about the effects of my TSH dropping any lower/my T4 going any higher, as the endo told me that I could be risking heart arrithmia and oesteoporosis (I know there is evidence that TSH is not a indicator of this in people on medication to treat Hypothyroidism but I'm still worried)
However, I really, really, want to start feeling better and if adding T3 while still taking my current level of T4 is more likely to make that happen then I want to consider it.
Thanks for reading, all thoughts gratefully received