hi,quick question. i have been taking Vitiman B complex and vitamin B12 50000 supplement for past eight days and noticed yesterday that my urine has turned yellow colour.Is this normal and if yes is it a bad thing that this is happening.My B12 levels are very low 185 so they do need replenishing,any suggestions
taking b12 supplement: hi,quick question. i have... - Thyroid UK
taking b12 supplement

It's normal when taking a B Complex. I can't remember which of the B vits is responsible bit it's nothing to worry about.
Edit - it's B2 riboflavin
Yes thats normal and sometimes thats how I remember to take my vitamin :))
Guaranteed to give the "yikes" factor along with eating beetroot, forgetting you have eaten it the day before and getting a shock the next morning when you go to the loo and think you have blood in your urine!
Mine is practically fluorescent. But that could be because we have two nuclear power stations a few miles away 😜
From the LIvestrong website:
B12 and Urine Color
Depending on your hydration status, normal urine color can range from a light yellow to an amber color. Consuming large quantities of foods rich in B12 can cause your urine to become a bright green color. Additionally, taking a B12 supplement, vitamin B complex or multivitamin containing vitamin B12 may cause your urine to turn dark yellow or orange. This stems from the yellow coloring in the over-the-counter supplement that your body excretes.
Someone mentioned a while ago that their urine was kind of green. Didn't know that B12 could also affect urine colour.
B12 at 185 is low. You may not feel better until you top up with B12 injections. Have you read up on B12 deficiency? If you have any neurological signs and symptoms you should go back and discuss with your gp. If gp is familiar with NICE B12 guidelines he should give a course of B12 injections.
Find it's the B complex. Very interesting shade - definitely cadmium yellow from Thorne basic B complex.
You definitely need injections. Check out b12.org there Is a great protocol written by Drs to show your Gp. 140 is a disease state and therefore 185 is very low. I was a 100 when they checked me and I couldn't feel my hands feet or face! Lack of b12 has symptoms very like low thyroid. Interestingly babies are born with 2000 of b12 so that shows how low you are!!!! I am still on weekly injections a year on as I was getting neurological symptoms.
Initially when I first got the b12 it made me feel exhausted and I think my body was trying to repair areas that hadn't been getting enough. Gradually began to feel better, then could tell a big difference within an hour of having the b12 - loads more energy until recently when had to have my Levo increased.
There is a link with hypothyroidism and Low B12.