Advice on NDT for a Hashimoto patient - Thyroid UK

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Advice on NDT for a Hashimoto patient

pan_greece profile image
7 Replies

6 years ago I started putting on weight.  At first i thought it was normal as the weight gain was not so big so I went on a diet and continued my fitness programme (I did 8 hours a week of personal training) but I did not shed any weight in a year.  I also started having pains all over my body.  I had mood swings.  I couldn't even get out of bed in the mornings.  Finally, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's and was told there is no cure for it. 

Unfortunately, I live in Greece, home of traditional endocrinology.  The first doctor I saw prescribed 165mg of T4, which I faithfully took for a year.  I gained 5 more kilos.  I also couldn't complete even half of my usual workout.  I was always very tired.  I started reading about it and asked my doctor to run tests for vitamin D.  I had a serious deficiency in it.  I took more pills and sat in the sun for an hour every day.  I also took selenium and ester-C pills, vitamin E and cut down on gluten (not completely - I live in a country where gluten is found everywhere).

After 14 months on T4 and vitamin supplements, and feeling worse, I fired my first doctor  and went to a University professor.  She told me to chuck out all medication and relax, which I did.  I gained 8 more kilos and started losing my hair.  I went to a hematologist who told me I had serious iron deficiency and got me on gyno-Tardyferon pills. 

I recently had new tests done and an ultra sound and found a 'suspicious' lump in the middle section of the thyroid (apologies but I don't know the jargon).  I am now seeing a new endocrinologist tonight.  Should I ask for NDT?  or Armour?  I don't think they are on sale in Greece because I remember mentioning it to the first doctor and he said this is all mambo-jumbo.  If this doctor agrees to prescribe NDT, can I order online from the UK somewhere?

I would appreciate a reply either here or on a message.

Thank you

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pan_greece profile image
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7 Replies
Beverleyb profile image

hi, I cant believe you were diagnosed with Hashimotos then told by a professor to stop taking your pills!   one of the members on here lives in Greece, im sure when she reads your post she will give you good advice.

Marz profile image

I am sorry you have been running into some problem advice.  I have Hashimotos which was diagnosed here in Crete in 2005.  I have always found the medics to be very open to new ideas.  I was prescribed T4 in the beginning - but through this forum/books/websites I have navigated my way through the maze of the world of thyroid.  I am now T3 only which can be bought without a prescription as you probably know.  I did a spread sheet of all my thyroid results over the first few years - showed the GP - and of course she could see that the T4 was NOT converting into the Active T3.  Quite common with Hashi's.  So had her blessing in the beginning - now going it alone with annual bloodtests.

Mostly with Hashimotos it is about learning and finding your own way I'm afraid - and if you look to the right of this page under the heading TOPICS you can click onto Hashimotos and the 1775 posts !!

Oh - I am Gluten Free - and have been now for 3 years - and have for the first time had a BIG drop in anti-bodies after years of being around 900 ++.  I find it really easy with endless salads - vegetables - available - and so much home cooked food.  Most of us seem to cook from scratch.

I am more than happy to help you with extra advice - apart from the NDT - which I have not used.  Am suspecting you are in Athens ??  Hope the appointment goes well this evening.  Not sure they will prescribe either NDT or Armour.

Chris1961 profile image
Chris1961 in reply to Marz

Have started gluten free this week ... Went to a homeopath checked me over thoroughly and said i need stay of gluten. ... I am determined stick at it  

Clutter profile image


A suspicious lump on the thyroid is usually a nodule.  Your endo will probably arrange for you to have an ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy to determine whether or not the nodule is benign.  95% of nodules will be benign.

As you can buy T3 readily you could try a combination of T4+T3 initially and if that doesn't suit you T3 only.  NDT can be ordered online without a prescription but you'll have to check whether you are allowed to import it into Greece.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

pan_greece profile image
pan_greece in reply to Clutter

the biopsy was benign thank god!  The new doctor I'm seeing seems confident he will regulate my thyroid levels to near normal - he just asked me for some patience for the first 3 months - after what I've been through, this sounds very hopeful.  I asked for NDT and he said that it is not approved in Greece so I would have problems importing it but he assured me that there are new drugs out there that will work - he prescribed something called Tirosint ( I think it's levo) but we will reevaluate in two months... 

We'll see I guess - thank you for the replies and the support!

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to pan_greece


3 months may be a little optimistic but when you are optimally medicated on Tirosint (which is Levothyroxine) you will feel better.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to pan_greece

How are things going ?

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